We of the Galactic Federation of Light are witnessing and assisting with the tail end of the final round up of the Cabal. Many have doubted our word for a long time, waiting for proof and evidence. It saddens us to feel that we needed to verify ourselves to you all in this manner, but the'proof' you so badly requested is now available.
Will you believe us now when we tell you that we will very soon be amongst you?
We have waited a very long time to come face to face with those of you who know us and believe in us. Soon everyone will know us. Soon everyone will believe in us. It will not be a mass landing as so many of you think. Firstly we will be introducing ourselves to those of our family who are already aware of our presence. This family reunion will be a wonderful occasion and will take place in many places, all over the world. Those who still carry a few seeds of doubt will then have this doubt removed once and for all. This will then be the time for the final stage of the mission to be carried out by all of you who volunteered for this task so very long ago.
Two nights ago I had quite an amazing experience. I was in a ship, flying low over some very barren land, in foreign place not of earth. I had someone with me but I couldnt see them. They were talking telepathically to me and it sounded just like a voice in my head. The information I was getting was to do with the inhabitants of the planet, there were beings that were similar to earthlings but I didnt get up close at all. The clearest message I remember was about the inhabitants fears with regard to pro-creation etc. This also had something to do with the way the planet looked too. It looked just like earth, beautiful blue skies but the land was red, rocky and desert-like. The next message I got was that it was time for me to go home. We rose way up in the sky extrememly fast and did a sharp right into the atmosphere. The next thing I knew I was in a room like a bedroom lying down and two high-pitched sounds rang signalling my dispatch. A high then a low beep. I knew what I experienced was for real, when I was coming back there was a machinery sound accompanied with a continuous humming that stayed with me as I was coming to. It lasted for about 15 seconds. I knew I was being beamed back down. When I finally realised what was going on the emotions of slight fear but mostly excitement coursed through me. This isnt the first time I have remembered the beaming and machinery noises but it is my first memory of visiting another planet. I know I still have some things to remember on the events but feel I will need to dig deeper on those as I believe I was only allowed a certain amount of information to remember. I feel the need to share. Thanks for reading <3
Some time ago when I realised ascension is real and happening I went through a number of emotions. The elation of love, joy and happiness, the wonder and excitement of what was to come and the confusion of what happens to family, loved ones and especially my children. I had a period of mourning where I panicked thinking I would be going through this alone without my family. Because of the flood of information available I had even written a letter of explanation in the event of this occurring. This was a lesson about fear, love and letting go; not saying good-bye to my children, but allowing what will be – WILL BE. That hasn’t stopped me from doing my very best to try and shine light on them at every instant...and you know what, they give it right back at me. Children are amazing, they have less fear, more optimism and more insight and intuitiveness than most grownups do. My children and husband have also been a great lesson for me in regards to the ego and it slowly taking a back seat. At every corner there has been a situation that will rise and require an adjustment in reaction or non-reaction. In saying all of this I am doing my upmost to be a beacon for my kids and husband, and yes, sometimes my family make fun of me for being "in the clouds" or meditating in the light, but I know they are benefiting from this. Anyway, in all of this, my reason for blogging right now is because with all the channellings, teachings and writings out there in the ether, it seems there is little written to help parents understand what the deal is with children and how their ascension progresses. There seems to be some who ask, “who will and who won’t?” and many people wondering how blurred the lines are and if there are any lines at all?
As I sit here flicking through different news and blogs I cant help but notice how there are 49 guests online! This is absolutely fantastic for GFP and its carers. I find the GFP amazing and sometimes mind-blowing at the same time. To have most information available in one place is awesome, it is obvious the creators are totally dedicated to shining the light in a positive direction. Although this information is free I would like to urge people reading this if they havent already done so; to create a profile and give a tiny bit, even an insy weeny little bit would help I'm sure. xx love to all
Have you ever noticed how things have been repeating themselves? Obviously your internal journey sometimes requires you to repeat life situations because these hadn't been dealt with correctly. What I am talking about is all things external and in particular the media and retail. Why is it that we are seeing re-makes of movies that were orginally made 2 or 3 decades ago? I am certain that these messages that were intended for public consumption back then were manipulating in a way that keeps us locked unknowingly into a controlled path. My thoughts on this then have made me realise that a re-make is giving us the same message with different actors and modern setting to help us feel comfortable and happy. Why wouldnt they repeat a good thing? Dont get me wrong, movies are inspiring, uplifting for the most part. I just think there are undertones that are always there and a small part in a system that is going wrong.