From the Creator Group consciousness melding with the high Hue-man!
Truth in Light - Light Transmission
Spirituality does not need to be "sold", it is innate from within each of us. Filter all through your heart dear ones. We each are students and teachers changing roles in every moment. No One has the key except you within. Karma - is part of the earth experiment and the news is, the experiment is over as soon as one can conceive it and move into love.
Mastering the four lower bodies (emotional, mental, physical, etheric) is our journey and connecting within to our expanded self. As this happens we move out of law of attraction (although the like attracts like remains) but we move into resonance of Being. This is a state where we don't need to run the gambit to learn to manifest...we are already doing that at every moment., When we align with our higher aspects, we give love and receive love fluidly. Karma was part of the path of lesson with the Earth Experiment. This is over.
..and it is shifting for each of us incrementally with increase awareness, understanding and adapting to our ever increasing energies, new DNA activations that effect how we view our world, our existence, how we relate to all things.
Love then is the centrifugal energy of cycling love in and out. Karma is no longer the path as lesson is balance, we expand our consciousness to move BACK to what we have always been, a being of Light. An innate sentient being, a reflection of the Light of Source Creator.