Rhiannon's blog

What do you see in my photography.

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Please go to my facebook page and look at my photos of the sun.  I believe I have captured several pictures of other planets close to the sun.  I am listed as Rhonda L. Pittman.

The Ancient Greek Hero

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This came to me after being banned and was being told I had a gift.  I have been wanting to go back to college and study of the human condition and what it is like to be human.  Hope you enjoy and much.  I see synchronistic events constantly.

Much love and light,

yellow dancing wolf aka Rhonda


The Ancient Greek Hero
A survey of ancient Greek literature focusing on classical concepts of the hero and how they can inform our understanding of the human condition.

What is it to be human, and how can ancient concepts of the heroic and anti-heroic inform our understanding of the human condition? That question is at the core of The Ancient Greek Hero, which introduces (or reintroduces) students to the great texts of classical Greek culture by focusing on concepts of the Hero in an engaging, highly comparative way.

The classical Greeks' concepts of Heroes and the "heroic" were very different from the way we understand the term today. In this course, students analyze Greek heroes and anti-heroes in their own historical contexts, in order to gain an understanding of these concepts as they were originally understood while also learning how they can inform our understanding of the human condition in general.

In Greek tradition, a hero was a human, male or female, of the remote past, who was endowed with superhuman abilities by virtue of being descended from an immortal god. Rather than being paragons of virtue, as heroes are viewed in many modern cultures, ancient Greek heroes had all of the qualities and faults of their fellow humans, but on a much larger scale. Further, despite their mortality, heroes, like the gods, were objects of cult worship – a dimension which is also explored in depth in the course.

Truth & Education

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This is the most educational and informative video that I have found that explains what is going on during this New Golden Age.


This video is on youtube.  

Crossing Over:  A New Beginning AN OFFICIAL FILM (Brave Archer)




Inspiration for the soul

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Energy Gifts Are of Earth Forever

a message from Brenda Hoffman
Tuesday, 30 July, 2013 (posted 31 July, 2013)
3401 views, 18 comments - login or register to comment

Dear Ones,

Thousands of words have been written and spoken about the miracle of the next few days’ “Lion’s Gate” energy burst. Many relay that you will manifest all you wish. That you will be healed. That you will move into joy.

But according to many, such manifestations are true only if you chant this or do that. There are rules for this major boost. If you review those rules/dictates/actions, you will realize that these rules are yet again society dictates. Of course, if these rules or actions feel joyful, they are right for you. But please do not believe that you must do this or that within a certain period or you will not gain the manifestation boosts many are touting.

During this week’s Creation Energies Internet channel, we discussed that this Lion’s Gate energy burst would shift everyone on earth. Those of the light. Those thinking of becoming part of the light. And those who have no idea what the light is and do not care. How is it possible that those who do not chant or meditate with the “right” words or request assistance in the “right” way will shift also?

This energy burst is opening the heart energies of all entities on earth including microbes and amoebas. It is not a burst just for the Lightworker advance team or for those who many label Illuminati. It is a global shift of massive proportions. The end product of which is yet another step closer to love, joy and peace FOR ALL.

This massive transition cannot be completed if only those “in the know” experience it. You can center energy within your being in many ways from meditation to walks in nature. But those actions do not exclude those who do not understand, care or know how to draw energies to themselves.

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