rosalieparker's blog

The Biology of Belief, Part 2 ~ The Part of Your Self that Controls the DNA

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I’m sorry this second in the series on DNA has taken awhile, but better late…   It looks like it’s going to require more than two posts to fully explore the concepts of DNA, programming it, and how Quantum Healing works.

Recap, So Far

In The Biology of Belief, the previous post about our DNA, we learned that our emotions and thoughts affect our DNA.  Dr. Lipton explained that genes are not in control of our bodies, since they’re not in control of their own activation.  Rather, in response to perception of input signals, the body activates proteins.  If the desired protein is missing, the gene in the DNA with the blueprint, or code, for that protein is unlocked and copied as RNA.

Perception controls genes.  And not just regular genes with the program they had when you were born, but the Control Genes that cause genetic mutation.

Perception reprograms genes.  Understand that perception is an interpretation of environment signals.  That’s how belief becomes a factor.  Dr. Lipton ends his presentation by discussing the effect of Fear and Love on the programming of the body.

The Biology of Belief

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This week I want to give my updated understanding of why quantum healing is possible, of the mechanism that does it.  First I want to catch you up, in layman’s terms, on what scientists know about the impact of our DNA on us, and likewise, our mental and emotional impact to our DNA.  The follow-up to this will be a post on some astounding new information from a spiritual source—something that scientists don’t yet know, how it allows for quantum healing, and how we can work with it to heal ourselves.

Candace Pert, Ph.D. on Miraculous Healings

Former Chief of the Section on Brain Biochemistry, Clinical Neuroscience Branch of NIH.  Specialist in peptides, their receptors and the immune system.  Author of Molecules of Emotion and over 250 scientific articles, she holds patents for modified peptides in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and head trauma.




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