Greetings in Love to All.
In a nutshell, I always knew there was more to life than meets the eye, and that I was extarordinary.
I was always searching for a higher purpose, but when my efforts were impeded by half truths, I became cynical. Started to slack off, a lot.
Then I got caught up in the Program, you know, finish school, find a job, start a family. My happiness became less and less the more time went by.
I turned to unhealthy ways of having a so-called good time. Guilt mixed with apathy isn't pretty.
Then in my web-surfing escapism, info about this 2012 phenomenon kept popping up all over Youtube, and I became curious, since it was almost here.
Plus my inner voices had basically started flat-out telling me that I needed to be more loving to people and also please stop smoking.