Some friends of mine and I figured out a way to transmute Black Friday into Rainbow Friday. Instead of joining the crowds out shopping in the mad rush, we have decided to go pass out lunches to the homeless. In the last few days we were able to collect enough supplies to make 200 lunches. Each lunch contains 2 bologna and cheese sandwiches, bag of chips, cookie, granola bar, bite sized candy bar, bottle of water, juice pack, mustard and mayo packets, and a wet nap. Handwritten on each of the brown paper sandwich sack is a quote:
"So long as we serve, So long as we are loved by others,
I would almost say that we are indispensable;
And no one is useless when they have a friend."
~ Robert Louis Stevenson
We had enough donations come in that we are going to deliver lunches the day after Christmas as well. Of course all donations are welcome to build more lunches for the day after Christmas.
Sending love to all souls in the universe! Love to the people everywhere! Loving light into the darkness!
Helping to raise the worlds vibration to love one soul at a time. If you would like to know more check out my face book page
where I will be posting updates.