synchrOMicity's blog


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Without a Vision the people perish.

All people would understand our inner connectedness (spirit).

All would understand to hurt anyone you are hurting yourself.

The GOLDEN RULE ruled.

All would understand, you cannot keep taking from mother earth and not give back.

All technologies suppressed, and new ones would be used to create the energy needed to provide for all. Without destroying our home, planet earth.

Love would be the driving force instead of greed.

Nature would be nurtured, instead of destroyed.

WE would clean up the mess we all created.

The old would teach the young.

Natural farming would rebound.

Natural healing would flourish.

There would be no need for war, basics of survival being met through higher technology.

The tribes of the earth would all share.


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FIRST I am not asking any one to believe anything, only to consider it.

I find it quiet interesting that many people have a negative attitude toward the idea of “NEW AGE” thinking.

When it appears that almost every major and minor belief system, philosophy, and so called religion,

seems to have prophecies of major changes, coming to the earth! And a change of times.

The bible talks of a new heaven and a new earth, and many so called Christians, believe in a millennial

reign of Christ,and actually believe Jesus is going to physically rule the earth. After coming in the sky

on a big white horse to kick some butt.

Trust me these beings can manifest a big white horse if you need it. Maybe He is coming to rule, that will

be fine compared with what we have had to deal with lately with the so called elites, so called rulers.

First, a thousand year reign would only be one day, in the bible it says that a thousand years

(of our concept of time) is one day, and a day is a thousand years. Look it up 2 Peter 3:8, So we are not

talking about a vast amount of so called time.

Another fine example is found in the first book, Genesis ,This Being, one of the Elohim which spoke, let  

US make man in our image and our likeness, later said, to Adam, the Day that you eat there of, (trust me

it was not a apple) ye shall surely die, Adam lived nine hundred and some odd years, but fell short of a

one thousand year day! The day you eat.

Second, CHRIST is not a person, it is from the Greek word Kristos which means anointing, Jesus the

anointed one.  

Jesus the Christ. Kristos, anointing = SPIRIT. All of us have the opportunity to be anointed. To walk in

 the spirit. They that are led by the Spirit of God, are the sons of God. As He said, as I am one ye shall


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Let us play chitty chatty!

To start with in this chapter, in hope of reaching a wide spectrum of hearts, it may seem at times the in-for-mation is quite basic. At times it is necessary to rebuild the foundation.Therefore, make it simple. Normally I have to keep it in the confines of the individual’s capacity to take in the in-for-mation.

Image-in we are each a photon of light, in our heart is a spec of spirit. The Vedas say it is one ten thousandth the tip of a hair, and abides in the heart cave, the Atman, the hidden man of the heart.

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine, but because of dogma or tradition or programming, or perhaps environment, it is not shinning to great. In fact, it is so dark I fell asleep.

If the light (SPIRIT) that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness? How can I turn the light up, how can I wake up from this, what is the key?

Key one- Do not judge, for what measure You judge, You are judged.

Who are you judging another when you are guilty of the same thing?

I do not judge, but SPIRIT judges all things, and rightly so.

You know when you point your finger at some one, three are pointing back at you!

Just let it be, let it be. It is not our place to go around judging people period. When one becomes more in tune with source (SPIRIT) surely you will be able to discern much, at times though, it is best to just silently speak a blessing, or not.

Some chose at a soul level to experience exactly what they are going through, who are we to judge?
Have you ever seen a so called religious person judging someone cause they do not believe the same, they are judging their own self.

 When you judge others out of your carnal mind you wrap another thorny vine around the photon of light in your heart cave.


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Part 2 

This may seem to some as to digress, but it is good to bring certain information forward again to bring some up to date.


I am not going to chase you around with a forty pound BIBLE, for I believe in
everything. There are great truths to grock from many scriptures, music, art, etc.
The Bible has some nugs we need to understand now. In the book of Daniel he
was having some pretty wild prophetic dreams; has anyone been having some good
dreams lately?

In Daniel’s dreams he would see these beasts, which always stood for a world
power or government. GOVERNMENT. We have the two-headed leopard with wings
very swift which were the Meads and the Persians (who conquered Babylon). Remember
the writing on the wall (you have been weighed in the scales and have been found

We have the fierce goat with a horn which was Greece who conquered them.
Which BEAST do we have now? You can read all about it if you desire.

Then we have the GREAT WHORE who rides on the back of the big LIZARD!
Who is selling herself, THE CHURCH! Religion for money, or control, or power: kind of
makes you sick like it did Daniel, no?

The agenda, to make a long story short, I will add something that has been posted
 Many new people are reading now so it is
a good thing to get everybody UP TO DATE, yes?
Afterwards we can discuss Time, the keys to the kingdom, 5d etc.


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IS Your Life A LIE
You say, “What! My life is not a lie, I have a great life, good job, wonderful
children, I’m pretty healthy, and I have lots of trinkets, toys and a home!”

I say to you “All soon to pass away, to be lost or rusted or maybe stolen.

So, IF all you’ve been taught, outside of your own insight, or by trial and error,
has been a lie i.e. history in general, IF your so called ‘religion’ is a lie or, at least has
also been manipulated for fear, control and greed, IF you have been led by wolves in
sheep’s clothing, led to believe lies by MSM (Manipulators Steering Masses), then
perhaps, you are living a lie.

You know the saying “ignorance is bliss”, just because you are not aware of
something or have been lied too, does not mean it can not hurt you or cause you great
loss. Acting like an ostrich sticking your head in the sand, does not seem too smart
either, I wonder how many of those big birds have had their butts ate off by predators?

Many good hearted people will be going into shock, as they start to awaken to
what our government has been up to. Let alone ‘Religion’, for the most part has been
used for greed and control, rather than opening up simple spiritual truths, that would
bring healing to each of us, and the planet.

The elitists however, will not allow that, they prefer to keep all the sheeples in
line, and dumbed down. With their agenda of control, our enlightenment is their worst
nightmare, and will be hampered at all cost.
Including war, poisons (in our water and food stuffs), fear, fear and more fear.
According to them Pandemics aren’t a problem, they use our own tax dollars to finance
big pharmaceuticals, and use media to spread fear. They own Hollywood, news,
MSM(Main Stream Media), and about anything needed to keep the masses deluded.

“What is the answer?”

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