FIRST I am not asking any one to believe anything, only to consider it.
I find it quiet interesting that many people have a negative attitude toward the idea of “NEW AGE” thinking.
When it appears that almost every major and minor belief system, philosophy, and so called religion,
seems to have prophecies of major changes, coming to the earth! And a change of times.
The bible talks of a new heaven and a new earth, and many so called Christians, believe in a millennial
reign of Christ,and actually believe Jesus is going to physically rule the earth. After coming in the sky
on a big white horse to kick some butt.
Trust me these beings can manifest a big white horse if you need it. Maybe He is coming to rule, that will
be fine compared with what we have had to deal with lately with the so called elites, so called rulers.
First, a thousand year reign would only be one day, in the bible it says that a thousand years
(of our concept of time) is one day, and a day is a thousand years. Look it up 2 Peter 3:8, So we are not
talking about a vast amount of so called time.
Another fine example is found in the first book, Genesis ,This Being, one of the Elohim which spoke, let
US make man in our image and our likeness, later said, to Adam, the Day that you eat there of, (trust me
it was not a apple) ye shall surely die, Adam lived nine hundred and some odd years, but fell short of a
one thousand year day! The day you eat.
Second, CHRIST is not a person, it is from the Greek word Kristos which means anointing, Jesus the
anointed one.
Jesus the Christ. Kristos, anointing = SPIRIT. All of us have the opportunity to be anointed. To walk in
the spirit. They that are led by the Spirit of God, are the sons of God. As He said, as I am one ye shall