TheFlashRon's blog

Re-posted 2nd Trimester Guide to Ascension Symptoms by Denise

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The Second Trimester Recap

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SECOND TRIMESTER: March 20, 2013 Vernal Equinox to June 20, 2013 Summer Solstice—Winter Solstice in the southern hemisphere.

Where to start…

beat up smilie

This 2013 spring quarter–the Second Trimester of the Nine Month period–has been very intense, extremely difficult at times, not to mention physically and emotionally exhausting. The other day I was trying to remember 2012 and amazingly couldn’t other than the Three Days of 12-21-12, 12-22-12, 12-23-12. So many of us thought, believed, expected that 2012 was the big year and it’s turned out to be 2013.

Incoming energies experience ~ What a ride!

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This Monday evening, especially from about 11:00 PM through about ten after midnight there were very intense waves of energy being felt simultaneously by Nancy and myself as we were just sitting in our living room as I was reading my email and the GFP updates. These bursts of cosmic energy came in waves which lasted in their effects about 2 to 3 minutes and roughly 10 minutes apart and were experienced as a flame like energy through my upper core along with electric tingling throughout my entire body. Along with this was a intense feeling of being uplifted which was almost too much for comfort to Nancy as she was experiencing motion sickness for the first 2 or so waves. I remarked to the effect that it felt like a powerful cleansing had taken place...

I also want to mention that while I was out on a job site last Friday at roughly 4:30 PM I got a call on my cell from a very concerned wife informing me that our radiation detector alarm was going off with the count per minute off the scale. This lasted for only about a minute and then the "normal" background count resumed at 17 cpm

I have been monitoring the background radiation ever since the Fukishima meltdown and have seen nothing like what happened last Friday. I am guessing that it was caused by a gamma ray burst as there have been a recent increase in the occurrences of these detected energy bursts in the past few days.

Captain's Log: Stardate 2013-05-25

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Captain's log... Star date 2013-05-25
What an eventful day! Joined the Redding, CA March Against Monsanto at 11:15 as the main body was headed west on the south side of Cypress Ave on the bridge over the Sacramento River. Parked motorcycle in the Athens Ave shopping square lot and greeted the marchers with high-five's and DVD handouts in between taking photos, which I intend to place on line at some point soon.

I made it home just in time for connecting with my Galactic Family of Light at the Galactic Free Press chat gathering and WOW did the Light and Love build like never before! I then met Nancy and her sis-n-law Dianne at the park for a picnic lunch of organic potato salad and organic avocado, then led them to Market fest then back home for me while they went adventuring at thrift stores the way wives do.

The portal opening on the 24th HAS made a noticeable change in my mental patterning's whereby there is a dramatic increase in mental clarity in focus of pure intent. The glaring absence of mind chatter has made the experiencing of states of pure joy during meditation... Even during "normal" waking consciousness profoundly obtainable. This Divine energy called joy pours forth from my mind-heart connection (which is new to me) in HUGE waves that are like throwing gasoline on the flame in my heart. There is also a noticeable shift away from ego-self directed pursuits and a more unified directed force of will. This, however is partly or mostly due to a renewed willingness to pay attention to Divine Guidance from within, for which I give credit to the Parable of Christ Consciousness  which is a simple daily invocation:

Living Inner Holiness that beats my Heart,
     I Accept All in my Life as my own.
I Forgive myself for all negative experiences.

TheFlashRon Perspective: A Treatice on Exponencial Shift

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Many established things such as old ways thinking, belief systems, habits, patterns, auto-responses, automated behaviors are imploding.


Time is accelerating so quickly that there isn't enough time to get anything done that we used to do in half the time. But really it's our mental construct of our inverse time reference that is changing. It's slowing down through dissolving fear-based time constraints like due dates, deadlines, appointments and traffic based time panic. As I have been able to release these 3D paradigm structures using forgiveness through higher-perspective understanding, a shift to coherent heart-based consciousness is created.


Living in the higher vibrational state of 5D frequency and making that home requires a falling away of thought forms that no longer serve. Thoughts of separation, judgment, guilt, blame must be replaced with love, compassion, acceptance, gratitude and forgiveness.


The ego is what we made to fill the void of separation. Born from illusion, the ego is diametrically opposed to the Holy Spirit or Higher Self and uses the body as an ally and to attempt to convince me that I am only this body and everyone I see is also only their body. The ego was made as a patch for the separation that we imagined occurred from our Creator and therefore the ego will do everything in its power to validate its illusory state of being by convincing me that separation, lack and fear are real and I don't deserve abundance, love, joy and peace.


The tools:


A Course in Miracles text and workbook for students,

Children of the Sun Rites of Passage 2012,

Parable of Christ Consciousness directive,

daily meditation and research research research.



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