‘WE’ is a blend of self awakening (Buddhist views on meditation) and quantum mechanics. EXISTENCE: Emptiness and Origin Quantum believes “all matter originates and exist only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of atom together.” Atoms have 99.99% empty space. Every particle originates from a quantum field giving rise to matter. If we assume the quantum field with infinite potential as a large ocean, the tips of the wave give rise to particles. Everything we see in a particular shape and size is a mirage. The particles originate from the quantum field and have potential in them. All the physical matter is the result of a frequency between the particles. If u amplify the frequency between the particles , the structure of matter would change. Everything from a tiny sand granule to majestic mountains, are the particles holding each other with a perfect balance of frequency. The decomposition of human body, burning of trees into ashes, condensation of clouds into water droplets is actually just a change in their physical structure due to amplification of frequency from some direct or indirect force. This is the same that our religious texts tell us – ‘whatever we take from nature goes back the same path, the same way, in same quantity’. Nothing actually dies it is just a transfer of energies with change in structure. Our particle body never really touch anything; the atoms of our body repulse the atoms of next object and the repulsion force is the feeling of touch. We never really sit on the chair, we hover over it. Buddhism explains the same concept of emptiness saying – things do not exist the way our grasping self supposes they do. Nothing that we see or hear stands alone, everything is a tentative expression of one seemless, over changing landscape. So, though no individual person or thing has any permanent fixed identity, which when seem so is a dillusion.