Verallae's blog


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I am currently still in college and my dad called me this morning to tell me that I might not be able to continue my last two years at my university. I've spent the morning searching and applying for scholarships but I just don't know what to do. I want to stay and graduate from my college but if I don't get a job as well as scholarship/grant money I won't be able to finish at the university that I love. I know the Creator is guiding me but I feel scared and lost and upset. I don't know how to do the things I love and want to do if I can't even do something as simple as getting a job. I am simultaneously exhausted of the pressure from my parents to graduate college and have a degree, and the pressure from myself to just travel the world and be free. On top of all this there's other extraordinarily heavy things that I'm still dealing with and have to pay for.

I'm so confused and I just need help with anything.

January 10th meaning!

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Everyone, today is the 10th of January. What that represents? The 10 is the Wheel of Fortune in the tarot. The Wheel of Fortune is all about spinning a new path, creating something new and beautiful, and having fortune, prosperity, health and luck!

And since it's January, that represents the 1 in the tarot, or the Magician. The Magician is about personal power and freedom, coming face to face with your inner you, your power and self.

The combination means creating a new path by knowing, understanding and accepting that you have your own inner power that is coming forth, it is solely yours and you have absolute control of it. All you need is faith and courage to open a new door, and to know that you have the tools necessary to face anything that is coming. 

My Heart

Verallae's picture

I asked my heart today what it wanted and my heart said love. I have just experienced the feeling of my heart chakra speaking. An image came to my head of my child self pouting and saying "I can do anything". I felt a true sense of passion for life that I have not felt in quite a while. I felt like crying, my chest is constricting in a way I've never experienced before. I felt that I should write this because if I hadn't I would have given in to my old self. I am giving up my warped sense of reality and pushing myself to do what makes me happy. Normally I would have avoided posting this for fear that people would not want to read what I've written, they won't care, they'll criticize me and judge me. But today I've been pushing myself to talk freely about what I am currently struggling with to the people who do care about me. All day I have been surrounded in the love my friends have for me and it is absolutely wonderful. My heart keeps constricting as I write this and I love the feeling, it's new and it's beautiful and I love it.

I have learned so much today and I want to write out loud these words because it helps me see clearer. I will get to the point I want to be at. I am going to love all there is because it's all here. I love the Creator so I love myself. Thank you<3


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I have been going through the ascension process for over a year now and it's been dizzying, terrifying, breathtaking and overall insane. I have spent this time opening up to my gifts, giving in to who I am and what I am trying to do. But I'm so scared. I am on that final strip, the dive into surrender. The problems I have always faced are inside me. I have horrible confidence issues. I want to become that divine instrument, be a co-creator, travel to speak with the Galactic Council and be who I am destined to be.

But I just don't know what to do. I want to believe in myself, I want to feel that I deserve to heal and be here and be one with the Universe. I want to sell my artwork and jewelry, learn everything that interests me, spend my whole life traveling and healing the world. But I constantly feel as though I'm not good enough, that I don't deserve to do these things. The Creator doesn't speak to me, all I feel is a sense that he expects me to do it and to give up on fear otherwise he will not give me what I ask for. I do not say that as a self-defeating sense, it is something that I see and feel.

How do I change my inside? How do I let myself be confident and get a job, have the inspiration and motivation to do and sell my artwork? How do I let go of the expectations of my parents and just let myself be who I want to be? - There's something in me that knows but I am blocking the doorway and I am so afraid.

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