This week we are experiencing the effects of the New Moon in Aires which represents a powerful magnetic energy for each of us to incorporate. Magnetic frequency represents the Feminine Divine which means that the power of our thoughts, ideas, and intentions are going to be manifested 10-fold. This is setting the stage for the upcoming energies at the end of the month.
There is no doubt about it ~ we have been challenged deeply within the year of 2013. It is a state of Being making us be Better than we ever
thought possible. The first tri-mester was obstacle after obstacle so that we could learn more about our inner self(s) and how to interact within a changing world. Every time we felt we could sit back and relax another upheaval occurred for us activating energies in one of our four bodies representing the physical, etheric, emotional and mental levels. In order for us to receive the higher level of vibration within the physical, we need to understand the process that we are undergoing. As we are experiencing this level of transition, it can be very challenging to see the forest for the trees as they become intertwined within each other.
The important aspect to consider this week is, “where are you in your self inventory”. This is a vital step as we move forward with the energies. We are going to be catapulted in many different ways and as long as we have sure footing some of the time, we can understand what our next step is going to be. We may not always be sure of the next moment, but learning to go deep within our soul’s essence is an imperative task that we need to acknowledge.