The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 10/1/2015

will's picture

Buddhists only sit silently. Why do Sufis dance? Zen people only meditate, sitting silently, not doing a thing, doing nothing - just sitting silently? Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself. But Sufis dance.

These are the two different paths, because there are two types of energy in the world: the positive and the negative, male and female, yin and yang. Zen people use the negative energy; they use the passive path. Sufis use the positive energy; they use the active path. They are very vibrant people.

Their meditation is not of passivity; their meditation is that of ecstasy.

Both are ways you can reach to the same goal, because the goal is exactly in the middle. The positive is one extreme, the negative the other extreme. Between the positive and the negative there is a middle point, exactly in the middle, from where transformation happens - one transcends the world and everything - from where one enters into God and becomes God.


GFP Newsletter - 9/30/2015

will's picture

You have just to be a witness. And the witnessing is your original face; the one who witnesses is your real consciousness. That which is witnessed is conditioning. The one who witnesses is the divine source of your being.


GFP Newsletter - 9/29/2015

will's picture

The real rebel is not a fighter; he is a man of understanding. He simply grows in intelligence, not in anger, not in rage. You cannot transform yourself by being angry against your past. Then the past will continue to dominate you, then the past will remain the center of your being, the past will remain your focus. You will remain focused, attached to the past.


GFP Newsletter - 9/28/2015

will's picture

I am not teaching you to fight with your conditionings. Understand them. Become more intelligent about them. Just see how they dominate you, how they influence your behavior, how they have shaped your personality, how they go on affecting you from the back door. Just watch! Be meditative.

And one day, when you have seen the working of your conditionings, suddenly a balance is attained.

In your very understanding you are free.

Understanding is freedom, and that freedom I call rebellion.


GFP Newsletter - 9/27/2015

will's picture

You are not to fight with anybody, the nuns and the priests and the parents, outside or inner. You are not to fight with anybody, because in a fight you will not know where to stop. In a fight one loses awareness; in a fight one starts moving to the extreme. You can watch it.


GFP Newsletter - 9/26/2015

will's picture

Eat, drink, and be merry - but that's not all. When you have eaten enough, and drunk enough, and you have "merried" enough, then something higher is waiting. And only then is something higher possible. When the earthly part in you is satisfied, contented, then the sky claims you, then the unknown. claims you, then begins the real pilgrimage of the soul.

I am earthy. I teach a sensuous religion, a religion which is not against the body, which is not against matter, which is not against the world. My religion is big enough - it contains all. It is inclusive, it includes all. It does not exclude anything. It is as inclusive as God himself.

God includes all, certainly. The earth must be in God, otherwise how can the earth exist? And God must be in the earth, otherwise how can the earth remain alive?


GFP Newsletter - 9/25/2015

will's picture

This whole world now has to be interdependent. All ideas of independence and dependence are out of date. Forget about them. The world is now one organic unity; it is already one organic unity. Your nations are just fading realities, overshadowing the present and the future unnecessarily, just dead bodies, stinking. They have to be burned and thrown away.

This world now is one, and the question of dependence, independence does not arise. It is an interdependent world. Let this word become very significant; it is going to become significant in the future.


GFP Newsletter - 9/24/2015

will's picture

Each nation exists as an ego, and the ego needs some supports.

That's why I am against all kinds of nationalism, because its root is ego. It divides people, it makes people fight each other. It creates antagonism, enmity. I am against all nationalism, against all nations.

I would like to see one world where all these egos, the Indian and the Japanese and the German and the English and the French, have disappeared, because these are illnesses. The ego is like cancer, but even cancer needs something to feed upon; it cannot live on nothing. The ego needs something to nourish it.


GFP Newsletter - 9/23/2015

will's picture

If you believe in boundaries then they are; your belief creates them. You are as big as you believe yourself to be - "As a man thinketh, so he is." And if you don't believe in anything, you are infinite, because no belief can be infinite. All beliefs are bound to be finite. The belief needs a definition; hence it will be finite - howsoever big, but it will still be finite.

That's why I tell you again and again, drop all beliefs. In dropping beliefs you will be dropping all definitions, all boundaries, all limitations. When a person has dropped all beliefs, all thoughts, all desires, there is nothing to create the boundary. He is the whole.


GFP Newsletter - 9/22/2015

will's picture

There are no boundaries to human capacities. All boundaries are our beliefs; there are no boundaries. Man is part of infinity, and the part is equal to the whole - that is the law of higher mathematics. In the world of lower mathematics, the part is never equal to the whole, the part is smaller than the whole, obviously. In the world of higher mathematics, the part is equal to the whole, never smaller than the whole - because the part is the whole. Just as the whole contains the part, the part contains the whole. They are not separate at all, nowhere separate. No boundary divides the part from the whole. It is one reality seen in two ways.

When you see the dewdrop, it is one way of seeing the ocean, that's all, because the dewdrop contains all that the whole ocean contains. If one dewdrop is understood, if you have analyzed one dewdrop, you have known all the secrets of all the oceans, not only of this earth, but wherever the ocean exists, on other planets, on other earths. And scientists say there are at least fifty thousand planets where water exists, life exists. Wherever water exists, that one dewdrop has revealed to you the whole secret of all possible oceans. Analyzing one dewdrop, you will come to the truth of H2O, and that contains all.

Man is a dewdrop, man contains the whole. There are no boundaries.



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