The Galactic Free Press Newsletter

GFP Newsletter - 9/2/2014

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SPIRITUALITY is not a question of morality, it is a question of vision. Spirituality is not the practising of virtues - because if you practise a virtue it is no longer a virtue. A practised virtue is a dead thing, a dead weight. Virtue is virtue only when it is spontaneous; virtue is virtue only when it is natural, unpractised - when it comes out of your vision, out of your awareness, out of your understanding.


GFP Newsletter - 9/1/2014

will's picture

Whenever a Buddha walks on the earth, truth walks for a few moments. When the Buddha is gone, truth also disappears. Only the footprints are left and you go on worshipping the footprints. The footprints are not the Buddha, and the words uttered by the Buddha are just mere words. When you repeat them they are just words, they mean nothing.

It was Buddha who was the meaning behind the words. You can repeat exactly the same words, but they will not mean the same, because the person behind the words is no longer the same.


GFP Newsletter - 8/31/2014

will's picture

Trust life, trust God, and whatsoever has been given to you, enjoy it. Enjoy it so deeply and with such gratitude that every ordinary thing becomes hallowed, becomes holy, each small thing in life becomes sacred. Transform everything into a sacred thing - the profane disappears when you bring your energy of love, grace, gratitude.


GFP Newsletter - 8/30/2014

will's picture

The container is your consciousness, the content is your mind. The container is your being, the content is all that you have accumulated. When you realise the distinction between the content and the container between the mind and the being, you will have knowledge. In a single split moment, when you remember and you recognise that you are not the content, you are the container - there is a mutation, there is a revolution. And that is the only revolution there is.


GFP Newsletter - 8/28/2014

will's picture

People have different languages. Even if they use the same words they don't use them with the same meaning. Listen to the meaning and never listen to the words. If you listen to the words you will never understand people. Listen to the meaning - the meaning is a totally different thing.


GFP Newsletter - 8/26/2014

will's picture
No More Leaving
Some point
Your relationship
With God
Become like this:
Next time you meet Him in the forest
Or on a crowded city street
There won't be anymore
That is,
God will climb into
Your pocket.
You will simply just take
From: 'The Gift'
Translated by Daniel Ladinsky

GFP Newsletter - 8/25/2014

will's picture

Remember, the mind is nothing but that which you have collected up to now. The mind is all that you have inside your being. Beyond the mind is your real being, beyond having is your real being. Outside you have collected things; inside you have collected thoughts - both are in the dimension of having.

When you are no longer attached to things and when you are no longer attached to thoughts, suddenly - the open sky, the open sky of being. And that's the only thing worth having and the only thing that you can really have.


GFP Newsletter - 8/23/2014

will's picture

In running, rushing into the dimension of having, only one thing happens - you lose your being. Life is a great opportunity, a great opportunity. In fact, there are millions of opportunities in it to attain to yourself, to know who you are. But that comes the hard way. You have to work for it.

Don't try to borrow. Nothing can be borrowed in that inner world. And don't try to become just knowledgeable. Attain to a clarity, attain to a vision where no thought exists in your mind. This is the hardest thing in the world. To drop thoughts is the hardest thing in the world, the greatest challenge. All other challenges are very small. This is the greatest adventure that you can take and those who are courageous, they accept the challenge and go into it.

The greatest challenge is how to drop the mind, because only when the mind ceases, the God can be. Only when the known disappears, the unknown can be. Only when there is no mind, no you, nothing of you left, suddenly there is that which you have been seeking forever and forever. God is when you are not. This is the hardest thing to do.



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