7th out of 7 exact Cardinal Square


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology

Cathy Lindsey

Wow….what a ride we have been on as we have moved and grown through 6 exact Cardinal Square’s and are now embodying the energy of the 7th and last exact Cardinal Square (out of 7). The energies are amplified right now and it is a time of extremes. The Universe is speaking loudly……and getting more urgent about it! With this exact flow of energy, the Universe is getting serious. This will be one continuous flow of energy. This energy will be intense, and it is a time to listen to your guidance and your body. These energies will let you know the area’s in which you need to let go of things that are not vibrating where you are. It is time to let go of things that are holding you back so that you can move forward!!! Today is an important day, and things will be activated…..and throughout the next several weeks. There could be events that happen, especially with the Earth, like weather things, earthquakes, tidal waves, volcano's, wild weather etc. Things also will be activated in ourselves, around change, transformation and Urgency. It is very important to know that there will be seeds planted at this time that will play out over the next several months and longer…….not everything will happen today. Things will get a little rocky and bumpy for a while. This can represent a change of the old order in all areas, which can feel unstable and insecure. Things can feel Chaotic and Urgent…..remember chaos gives way to creation!

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