Andy Bojarski

Andy Bojarski ~ How to Use the Platinum Gold Ray With The Merkabah

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Awakening to Higher Love posted on August 25, 2013 by Andy Bojarski

MerkabahHello everyone.  Below you will find a short video visualization of how to use the Platinum Gold Ray and the violet flame with the Merkabah to help ground you and protect you.  So much love and thanks to my wonderful friend and fellow Lightworker Lakshmi Bhatia for this beautiful visualization.  I needed to share this with all of you as it does work!!

Also, please feel free to add your name to the love bomb meditation list.  You can do this by leaving your name and where you are from in a comment below.  Click HERE to read about the love bomb meditation and to view the list of participants.

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Series of live channeling Saint Germain ~ Serie 1 part 2 about money, funds and how to work with incoming energies (august 1, 2013) ~ By Méline Lafont

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Awakening to Higher Love posted on August 21, 2013 by melinelafont

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People are losing their jobs, they are losing their houses, they so not know where to turn to and that turns to worry and it lowers their energy vibration and it kind of puts them in a position where they’re stuck.  So I guess my questions is how do you use these existing Merkabah energies that we just received and all of the available energies that are here now for us to manifest and create abundance consciousness to help eliminate this worry about money so the vibrations can be raised so people can move up in consciousness.

What message can you give them to help them break out of that cycle or that double edge sward, if you will with respect to money and where they are in their lives?

Andy Bojarski - My Higher Self: Jesus, Religion, and the Christ Consciousness

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Healing and Love posted on July 1, 2013 by Andy Bojarski

Religious beliefs and teachings and dogmas have a tendency to create separation of Self from Source because these beliefs tend to discourage a full direct and meaningful experience of Source that is within all of you.

Yes, Source is inside each and every one of you.  And this understanding, this knowing and full acceptance is what is needed at these times.  A healing of the separation of Source is needed to reconnect you to Source.

Know and understand and accept that you are never separate or separated from Source.  There is a God Essence and Source within all of you.

This is always the case.  By relying on an outside institution to manage this relationship for you, you are turning away from that God Source within you.

Step 6 – How to Heal Yourself and Others – How to Energize the Chakras

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Healing and Love posted on June 30, 2013 by Andy Bojarski

GFP Commentary:  Using these techniques to heal yourself is for the highest good of all.  Everyone is capable of healing themselves and once these techniques are re-learned can teach others to do the same.  Healing another takes away their own personal power to heal themselves. 

Once you have scanned and removed all diseased and blocked energies, it is time to fill the energy chakras with new energy.  After you remove all diseased energy by scanning, feeling, sweeping and flicking the diseased energies (see step 4 on how to do this by clicking HERE), you are ready to energize the energy chakras.

So here is the process on how to do this.  Remember that when you were scanning and cleansing the body, you were standing next to the body.

Step 5 – How to Heal Yourself and Others – How to Bring in Your Spiritual Healing Support Team

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Healing and Love posted on June 28, 2013 by Andy Bojarski

GFP Commentary:  Using these techniques to heal yourself is for the highest good of all.  Everyone is capable of healing themselves and once these techniques are re-learned can teach others to do the same.  Healing another takes away their own personal power to heal themselves. 

Ascended Masters

When you are beginning an energy healing, you need your spiritual healing and support team to be with you.  You decide who you want to be there with you to help you with your energy healing.  I would recommend Arch Angel Michael to protect you and the person you are healing.

I would recommend Arch Angel Raphael as he is the Arch Angel of healing.  I would recommend Jesus and Sananda as they are both excellent healers.  I would also recommend Lady Nada and Lady Portia to help remove unwanted cords and attachments and karma.

Step 4 – How to Heal Yourself and Others – How to Sweep and Remove Diseased Energy

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Healing and Love posted on June 26, 2013 by Andy Bojarski

GFP Commentary:  Using these techniques to heal yourself is for the highest good of all.  Everyone is capable of healing themselves and once these techniques are re-learned can teach others to do the same.  Healing another takes away their own personal power to heal themselves. 


Once you can scan and locate the inner aura (which was discussed in the last step of this series), the next thing that you will be doing is finding the diseased energy and removing it by scanning, feeling, sweeping, and discarding.

We all have diseased energy that needs to be removed.  You do this by scanning the aura, chakras and organs of the physical body.  In the last post, you felt the aura and you located and felt the chakras of the etheric body.

Now, you will need to do a general sweep of the etheric body and chakras and organs.  So imagine the person lying down on a healing table that you have.  It could be a couch if you do not have a healing table.

Andy Bojarski - My Higher Self: How to Deal with Arguments or Disagreements in a 5th Dimensional Way

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Healing and Love posted on June 24, 2013 by Andy Bojarsk

ArgumetsYou are living with people on earth that have third dimensional energies.  However, your energy level is higher.  Thus, you are living in the fifth dimension or higher with people who are living in the third dimension.

People that are living in the third dimension do not understand the energies of the higher dimensions.  Their egos cannot comprehend this.  So the ego turns to the fight or flight mentality.

This is how arguments can blow up and escalate very quickly.  This is especially true with the influx of energies coming in at these times  Do not get drawn in to these arguments and this lower dimension energy.  Let’s look at an example.

Say your parents are trying to get you to do something you do not want to do.  You know that whatever they want you to do does not resonate with you and your energy level.  At first you give them your point of view and they do not listen.

My Spiritual Visitors at my Beach Camping Trip

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Healing and Love posted on June 24, 2013 by Andy Bojarsk

Hello Everyone.  I was gone this weekend camping In Carlsbad, California on the beach with family and friends.  I wanted to share some beautiful pictures I took while I was there on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  I saw dolphins and seals in the ocean, a large violet orb around flying seagulls, and an angel in the sky that visited me for a few hours.

The angel was directly above me in the sky and was very large with it’s energy clearly visible to me.  I just kept talking to it and could not stop smiling.  It was truly amazing to see and experience all of this.  The sunset pictures below are breath taking.

I wish all of you were there to see this.  Life is beautiful and I am so grateful to be alive during these amazing shifting times.  I hope you enjoy the pictures.  Click on the picture for full view.  Sending all of you lots of love and many blessings…


Andy Bojarski - My Higher Self: Love is Now Fully Anchored on Mother Earth

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Healing and Love Posted June 19, 2013 by Andy Bojarski

Love AnchorThese are such wonderful times that you are living in.  Love has been fully anchored on Mother Earth.  Love is now spreading throughout Mother Earth.  It is engulfing so many souls.

Full awakening of humanity is underway.  Please understand that not all will understand what is happening.  People will be scared, they will be confused, and they will be lost. You can help them by holding their hand, and by letting them know that they are loved.

You are heading into a new world, all of you.  Nobody is being left behind.  This has been Divinely decreed.  The love that is flowing into Mother Earth at these times is unmatched.  The dark will be overcome by the energies.  The dark will eventually awaken and move into love.  Love all beings that are playing a dark role.  They are teachers.

They are teaching you and others.  They are also learning.  Honor all students on Earth now who are graduating to a higher frequency, a higher vibration and a higher consciousness.  The dark is holding on.  The egos are still fighting.  This is why you are seeing so little on your mainstream news Medias.  But love is anchored and fear will be gone.


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