Archangel Gabriel

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ ARCHANGEL GABRIEL 2014

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By: Marlene Swetlishoff, 02/20/2014

Image: http://www.http//


February 20, 2014

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as purpose. This quality is essential to have active in one’s qualities, for without it nothing can be created on this and other planes of existence. The universe operates on this quality of love at all times. Nothing is random or accidental, all is divinely orchestrated and set in motion, all that is at a variable is the free will that has been given to humanity here on Earth and that is what makes this planet so very interesting and sought after as a place in the universe to experience and become Master of.  When one uses this facet of love in their everyday existence, there is an element of divine order that flows in every endeavor and if one is attuned to their higher purpose and their higher aspects, this quality brings wonderful synchronicities of every positive and loving expectation. All that is required is provided to the one who has this quality at work within them.

Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Thursday February 20, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 02/20/2014

Whatever issue you may have in your life, surrender it. If you struggle with love, surrender! Monetary issues? Surrender! Health? Surrender! The act of surrendering into the flow completely circumnavigates any blocks you may have. In fact, to surrender is to choose an entirely different layer of energy than where those old stumbling blocks exist. Why stay in the same old cycle of worry, doubt and discomfort, when there is another option available to you that has all the support and movement you seek? ~Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 19, 2014

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By:, 02/19/2014

Trying to create a brand new future for yourself built upon the old outmoded energies of the past amounts to trying to tap dance on quicksand, Dear Ones. Your new creations and your foundations must support each other in order to allow you to move forward, in the new energies, in a solid and sustainable way. ~Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel's Daily Message ~ Sunday February 16, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 02/16/2014

So many people live their lives in an attempt to please others. They don’t rock the boat, they put everyone else’s wishes above their own, and do everything they can to avoid upsetting others. They try to ensure other people’s happiness through their actions. While we know this comes from a place that seeks love and acceptance, it is doomed to fail. Let us tell you why.

The idea that you can make another person happy is completely faulty. You may temporarily please another, but if they are dependant upon you for their emotional state, they will never find happiness because happiness cannot be found from an external. Happiness must come from within. Because they are looking to an external to make them whole, and that will never, ever work, they will come to resent you for not being able to make them happy. You will find you will have to perform greater and greater feats to try to please them, which will only lead to your own exhaustion and resentment, and ultimate disappointment.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Archangel Gabriel Feb 13, 2014

Silver's picture
By: Marlene Swetlishoff, 02/13/2014

Image: http://www.http//

Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as loyalty. This quality shines through each soul as they interact with others in their daily lives. In these interactions, this quality is evident as individuals show their willingness to help those around them, to be present and on task in their workplaces, and in their desire to show friendship to others. This quality is much appreciated by other individuals who rely on this facet of love in their communications and belief in the individual who manifests this quality in their words and deeds. With this quality, life long friendships are formed and maintained and each individual knows that here is a person that can always be relied upon to be available at any time.

Archangel Gabriel's Daily Message ~ Saturday February 15, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 02/15/2014

Many of you put incredible pressure on yourselves with your enlightenment process. You seem to think you must do things perfectly in order to avoid the displeasure of your guides and helpers. Dear Ones, please know you can never displease us! When you think that way, you are trying to apply a conditional love model to us. The idea of conditional love from Source, of an angry, judging universe is simply not valid. There is nothing you could do, ever, that would result in anything but our deep and abiding unconditional love.

Know that we are here to love you and support you in whatever experiences you wish to have! It is through experience that you grow and evolve. Your life expression is not meant for you to watch from the sidelines. Being in the body, being on your planet is for the sole (soul) purpose of experience and self definition. So play! Try things out! Have the courage to live, truly live, knowing there is nothing you could ever do to disappoint us or fall out of our favour. You are always and completely loved beyond measure. ~Archangel Gabriel



Archangel Gabriel ~ Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 12, 2014

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By:, 02/12/2014

The ego self, the part that seeks to keep you small and separate, has no interest in your enlightenment at all, and will actively block stepping into your authentic power and truth in order to preserve its own leadership position in your life. The ego itself, is an essential part of the human experience. It is only problematic when it is blocking your growth and expansion, which it frequently does, particularly to those beginning on a spiritual path.

There is a belief that those of masculine energy have more ego than those who are of feminine energy. This is not necessarily the case. Ego presents just as strong in females, just in a different way. The male ego says, “Look at me! I am more special than everyone else!” The female ego says, “Don’t look at me! I am not as special as everyone else!” Make no mistake about it, both are strong manifestations of the ego perpetuating separation consciousness and blocking expansion, truth and highest purpose. (Of course, both male and female can have experiences with both of these, and other manifestations of ego such as fear and doubt, as well – the above is merely a common example.)

Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 11, 2014

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By:, 02/11/2014

We understand that taking money out of the equation of your manifestations can seem like a difficult thing to do or understand, but it can help your manifestation processes immensely. Many human beings have resistance to the energy of money, but have complete flow and resonance to the experiences they wish to create. By taking the stress of manifesting money out of your creations, you actually allow the universe many more ways to deliver to you.


Simply be clear about what you wish to create and release it to the universe. Then, surrender into the flow with complete trust, knowing that you are now in the process of aligning for your highest good. You may suddenly find yourself having the very experience you desired with little to no money being required at all! In fact, from being in that flow and alignment, you may suddenly be inspired with ideas and opportunities you would never have considered before, that allow you to create and experience an even greater result than you had ever dreamed possible.


Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Monday February 10, 2014

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By:, 02/10/2014

The key to manifestation is to get very clear about what you want. So many of you say you wish to manifest a large sum of money. But is it really the money you want? Or is it what the money will facilitate? That vast majority of humans who say they wish to have a great sum of money, don’t necessarily want money at all. They want what they can turn money into. For most people, the true essence of what they really want is freedom.


Money is simply a middle man, a means to exchange something for what you really want. You understand that in order to bring to you what you desire, you must really feel the experience of having it. Many of you have trouble imagining what it would feel like to have a large sum of money, but can easily imagine feeling free.


Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Sunday February 9, 2014

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By:, 02/09/2014

What has driven the enlightenment process on your planet has been the mass shifting of souls from the stage of Initiate to Actuate. Let us explain.


The Initiate phase is a phase that can last many, many lifetimes, where the soul’s main goal is learning. During this phase, the soul is exposed to many different spiritual teachings and experiences, soaking up knowledge in preparation for the next phase.


The final stage in your spiritual progression is that of Actuate. The Actuate has completed the intensive phase of learning and is now more interested in applying what he or she has learned. While growth still occurs during the Actuate stage, it is not as accelerated as the Initiate phase. There is a much calmer sense of BEingness.



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