be still

What's a Living Prayer?

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I discovered that when expressing and living my awareness in the “everyday,” my life becomes a living prayer or meditation.

Sitting for hours is not the only way to bring Wisdom into our lives. As I have developed and expanded my awareness, I have begun to see confirmation that everything is part of our spiritual practice and path.

I see Wisdom manifest when I cook dinner, make the bed, wash the car, fold the laundry, kiss a child, comfort the sick, cut the grass, post on Facebook, plant a garden, drive to work, or do any of our life pursuits.

I have learned that blending prayer, meditation, service, and study is the path to more awareness. Once we are aware, we realize this work enables us to see with the inner-eye and hear with the inner-ear.

All the years of our spiritual practice culminate in the realization that our entire life is, and has always been, a spiritual practice.

We are Spirit – practicing life!

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!
Look for my new book, Sophia Speaks: Encounters with Wisdom, out this fall!

What is Spiritual (Inner) Marriage

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spiritual_marriageThe spiritual inner-marriage is about the balancing of the masculine and feminine energies within oneself so there is harmony and alignment with the soul. Recognition and union with one’s soul is the true marriage, or Divine Union, rather than the commonly held belief of finding another person as a “soul mate.”

Each individual has masculine and feminine energies within, and seeks balance between them to create wholeness. This balance of energy reflects in one’s outer-marriage/partnership. The more balanced the masculine and feminine energies are in a person, the smoother the outer life.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

What Does It Mean to Walk on the Beauty Path?

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Beauty PathIt is when we choose Wisdom, step by step, taking the highest possible path, a path without friction. On the Beauty Path™, we live a life of neutrality and walk in harmony and balance. This happens when we let go of fear and commit to our liberation from the Seven Disempowering Habits: blame, shame, question (“why me?”), guilt, judge, compare and compete.

Neutrality – To live on the Beauty Path one must be neutral to people, events, circumstances, etc. This requires one to be non-judgmental and see with the inner eye. One has to keep his or her mind on Truth, not worldly illusions, and this takes a spiritual practice. This does not mean one cannot take a “stand.” Taking a stand and judging are disparate vibrations with differing motives. To live in “neutrality” requires living without a “charge.” (Charge meaning emotional energy running through one’s body, as in “being hot about something”.) When we do not live in neutrality we then walk on the Path of Struggle.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

What is Spirituality?

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spiritualityIt is a personal understanding of one’s relationship with the Divine, recognizing Spirit within, as opposed to material or physical things. Historically, spirituality has always existed; however, it has become co-opted by religion. As an exodus from dogma, patriarchy, and hierarchy, millions are now owning an intimate relationship with soul and establishing their own spirituality. Spirituality = spiritual vitality.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

What is a Relationship-Oriented World?

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A relationship oriented world would be one operating on the Principle of Interdependence…understanding Oneness, and Unity of All Life. Presently, the pervasive mindset of society is focused on the needs and desires of the individual, rather than the collective. The relationship-oriented world includes every living thing and an appreciation and reverence for the delicate balance of life as a living interconnected system. We must live in a symbiotic relationship with everyone and everything, that is, if the world is to last.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

The Devil Made Me Do It!

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thedevilmademedoitLOGODefinition of the Devil: An imaginary nemesis used for blame, so that a person does not have to change or accept responsibility for his or her life.  The “devil” is used by many religions to frighten followers to behave and blindly follow dogma. Instead, individuals should be taught how intrinsically good they are, thereby empowering them to live from their heart wisdom.

Edited by Karen Moussou

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

Waking Up

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Hispanic woman in bed with arms outstretchedFor those whom are interested in waking up to know their soul more intimately, you may want to chose the feminine way to meditate, which is an interactive process. But then again, Mother Teresa used prayer, and Rumi chanted and danced.  

There is no hand-me-down formula for contacting your soul and basking with the Sacred. The key is: to become One with what you are doing.

Remember, waking up and meeting your soul more intimately results from embodying your spirituality and making your own rules.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

Think Outside the Box

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Allow your soul to create your personal meditation style. Do not get stuck in the thinking that you do not know how. Be fluid, creative and follow your inner-wisdom. When you become rigid, following someone else’s prescription for meditation, you are destined to block Spirit's flow and not get the results you seek.

gratitude2Many people begin their meditation with a prayer and invocations. In the Feminine Way of Meditation, you simply love God-dess. You sit in gratitude and in awe. You make love to Spirit. You bask in Spirit’s love, you feel it, and in return, you love Spirit back.

You give thanks from the deepest part of you, for what you have, regardless. Release things that no longer serve your life’s journey. This can be accomplished either by internalizing your thoughts, or if no one else is meditating with you, you can speak aloud.

You may choose to have some periods of silence or you may choose periods of loving and gratitude – both are meditating; however, one is interactive and the other is not.

In the Feminine Way of Meditation, think of creating a rapport or relationship with your soul and God-dess, as you would with a friend. The Relationship is developed through love and communing – intimate conversation. You may communicate either aloud or in your heart-mind.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

Choosing Not to Judge Isn't Always Easy

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On our last trip to Disney World, I hopped a tram to cross the park quickly. Once on board, I couldn’t help but notice an older man who was also standing. Finally, a gentleman got up and offered me his seat. I nodded and smiled in appreciation and sat down. Next I looked around to see if some younger person would give the older man a seat. An amiable gentleman scooted over to make room for the older man. How kind, I thought to myself; however, the older man refused the gesture. Yet it was more…he declined with an air of disdain. I was dismayed.

sending_loveHow could this seemingly nice older white man turn down this offer? It occurred to me that he had turned down the seat because the man who scooted over was black and overweight. I could read his bigoted energy. It telegraphed that he was prejudiced against almost everyone and everything. Most importantly, it reflected that he truly disliked himself. Life had been tough on him and out of fear he had become the antithesis of his soul.

I wanted to kindly judge him because he represented an old ugly paradigm. Instead, I began to send him love and compassion (admittedly this was hard at first.) Realizing I, too, was heading down that same slippery slope by judging him, I then sent myself love and compassion. Perhaps a judgment might have been justifiable by some, instead, I made a choice and went into my soul, and remembered we are One.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!

3 Spiritual Truths to Ponder

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It is only our longing that awakens us to Wisdom…into the arms of the Divine.spiritual_truth

Wisdom is only wisdom when the mind is emptied of its own per-conceived thought forms.

There is an entire Universe within each one of us. We do not need to develop or create anything; we only need to remember or discover things.

Live Your Wisdom, You’ve Got It, Too™!


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