breast cancer treatment

Naringin (in Grapefruit) Reduces Cervical & Breast Cancer Tumors by up to 75%

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 02/05/2014

grapefruits cancer 263x164 Naringin (in Grapefruit) Reduces Cervical & Breast Cancer Tumors by up to 75%

Studies show how people suffering from cancerous tumors due to malnutrition and cachexia (high levels of inflammatory cytokines in their cells which causes weakening or severe illness) responded exceptionally well to treatment with naringin, a compound found in grapefruit. While laboratory animals have been tested most prominently for their response to naringin, there are hundreds of other studies carried out on people, as well. In many of these studies ‘complete tumor regression’ ensued.


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Iodine Helps Prevent and even Treat Breast Cancers

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Natural Society, By: Paul Fassa, 01/07/2014

iodine breast cancer 263x164 Iodine Helps Prevent and even Treat Breast Cancers

It’s unfortunate how many women believe breast cancer can’t be prevented, especially due to predispositions, But the truth is that breast cancer can be negated with natural solutions. One of those methods is very safe and simple. Dr. Jeffrey Dach has grabbed several international clinical, lab, and case study reports that demonstrate the efficacy of iodine ingestion for breast cancer, which are linked below this article.


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Watercress Found to Block Breast Cancer Cell Growth

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By: Elizabeth Renter, 11/27/2013

watercress breast cancer 263x164 Watercress Found to Block Breast Cancer Cell Growth

You may have never tasted watercress, but you’ve likely heard of it. It’s a peppery tasting, delicate leaf vegetable related to broccoli, kale, and collards. And like just like those other vegetables, watercress offers some amazing health benefits. One new study from the University of Southampton indicates that watercress could even be useful in the fight against breast cancer.


According to the study, published in a recent edition of the British Journal of Nutrition, a compound in the cruciferous plant could work to turn off signals in the cells that are used to facilitate cancer growth, thereby starving cancer cells to death.


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Ellagic Acid: A Cervical, Breast & Prostate Cancer Fighting Wonder

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 11/24/2013

berries cancer 263x164 Ellagic Acid: A Cervical, Breast & Prostate Cancer Fighting Wonder

Ellagic acid is a phytochemical (polyphenol) that your body produces in the large intestines, but it also is found in many foods. This special phytochemical has been found to be a great salve to those suffering from multiple cancers, including cervical, breast, and prostate cancers. In recent studies, ellagic acid and its metabolized products were found concentrated in the prostate tissue of male mice fed pomegranates. In human subjects who were suffering from an enlarged prostate or cancerous growth in the tissues of the prostate, those fed pomegranate juice or who ate almonds for three days prior to a surgery were found to have lesser prostate cancer cells than those who did not consume these foods.


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