Called Into Action

Important Short Update~ Called Into Action~ We are In Historical Moments~

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All Lightworkers are Being Called Into Action~ Divine Missions are Activated! Join us for a Live Meeting with The Earth Allies Today beginning at 10:30am Pacific At this Link:  You are Being CALLED INTO ACTION! Thank You for answering the CALL!

Quoted from Caroline Aguiar" ......We are the Guardians of Light. Those you see before you are of the light. Our purpose is to guide humanity towards its awakening, and through the transitional period of ascension on your planet.  We are at this great celebration you see here before you because, dear one(s), there is much to celebrate!  Humanity is now more unified than ever, as one being, one light, and a strengthening force which has come together as loving participants in the ascension, and awakening of your beautiful planet.....Love, dear ones, is sweeping the planet, and into the hearts of every man, woman and child. The dark forces are diminishing, and you, as citizens of Gaia, have come so far. We are extremely proud of all your efforts, and the great strides you have made.  Let it be known, there is every reason to celebrate, as you too, I refer to your collective on Gaia, are encouraged to celebrate among each other, or quietly within your hearts, in the way which suits you best with great regards to all you have achieved during this past year..... This Celebration of Love is indeed ongoing, and constant. We ask humanity to join with us, with full hearts, in love, and unity during this joyous celebration. Let it be known, Comet ISON is on its way, and there will be more amazing surprises in store for you, dearly beloved citizens of Gaia.  The seeds of new life will soon be sewn. As you see us now in great celebration, as we dance, laugh and make merry.  We ask you to do the same. Have compassion for all souls, awakened or not, and always show them love.  After all, Love is everything, and it is the key to opening hearts...." End of quote

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