
5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your ‘Good’ Cholesterol Levels (HDL) Naturally

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 12/30/2013

cholesterol lower 263x164 5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Good Cholesterol Levels (HDL) Naturally

Determining ways to reduce your LDL and increase your HDL could be important to the longevity of your cardiovascular system. LDL cholesterol is the type that collects in the arteries and causes them to become clogged, causing heart attacks, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases. This thick sludge-like substance makes the blood thick too, making it more difficult for it to pass through the arteries to be recycled and reoxygenated through the heart. Cholesterol isn’t all bad though. It is a necessary, vital fat which our body utilizes for numerous functions. Some comes from what we eat and some is made by our own body via the liver. High HDL levels actually protect your heart against disease.


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The Great Cholesterol Myth

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New Dawn, By: Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, 11/22/2013

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Before looking at the connection between blood cholesterol levels and heart disease, it is worth highlighting a critically important – remarkably unheralded – fact: After the age of 50, the lower your cholesterol level is, the lower your life expectancy. Perhaps even more important than this is the fact that a falling cholesterol level sharply increases the risk of dying of anything, including heart disease.


The dangers of a low cholesterol level were highlighted by a major long-term study of men living in Honolulu: “Our data accord with previous findings of increased mortality in elderly people with low serum cholesterol, and show that long-term persistence of low cholesterol concentration actually increases the risk of death.” Somewhat ironically, the danger of a falling cholesterol level was first discovered in the Framingham study: “There is a direct association between falling cholesterol levels over the first 14 years [of the study] and mortality over the following 18 years.”


HSE gags surgeon after cholesterol drug claims

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Irish Independent, Eilish O'Regan, 10/09/2013

Surgeon's research review concluded cholesterol-lowering medicines may do more harm than good. A LEADING vascular surgeon, whose research review concluded cholesterol-lowering medicines may do more harm than good for many otherwise healthy people, has been gagged by the Health Service Executive. Sherif Sultan, a senior medic at University College Hospital, Galway, reviewed a range of studies of statins and found a lack of evidence to show they should be given as a means of prevention to healthy people with high cholesterol but no heart disease.


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