
Mind Analogy, The Discomfort

Mario's picture

The, Discomfort

What seems to pertain to individual ideas of what discomfort may be or is in a totality from simply the opposite (Being well), you can still be well and carry on some discomfort... What we are trying to say is that many individuals may seem as they are discomforted within their own selves, in perplexed realities, what this would bring up has as a (satisfying meal) a recovery* option for whatever discomfort you may had been giving into.

The thoughts, the way we understand things by simply feeling what feels alright and what isn’t always, alright in a sense. If we use our thinker, the mind, we may as well be getting the generalized idea of discomfort from what the mind is/has as an option while carrying information for you to understand what discomfort may be or become...

If we indulge ourselves in programs which are subliminal within the mind, then pertaining matters of discomfort may shift by inner actualizations, which would be carried on from the individual’s experiences... Which could then bring up the program mind, and allow it to distort your reality in ways which we may not have good use for.

You see, when we are simply in our hearts, the effects of what the mind usually condones, or has as thought processes or generalized ideas, repetitious sentences, circumstances bringing up forth some conditioned aspects of your general idea of how or what you contending to a situation may bring about coherency or gradually a fall* and eventually give into a distorted reality, which you experienced from what the mind has brought up, in moments of said experiences as "anxiety" in this main form, is a discomfort.

Inertia of momentum

Mario's picture

Inertia of momentum

What we term here as an inertia has aspects of controlling in an undivided fashion ways of making this information comprehensible once we adapt a higher guidance system in remaking individuals at predominance’s... What we term predominance will have in actuality aspects of beings holding onto a possible remake in the formations of a grander plan which is taking place in these moments...

What we want to have as implementations of technology is denoted in aspects of these cryptions... No matter the residual effects of this cryption... We will in no way whatsoever give away means to a possible setback for you in time of the event... Impartially we are going to adapt a higher grid system in works which should devolve some attributes of your former selves in trance... Which by trance I should say resonance... Keep in mind having higher resonance will impact on possibilities to condone at greater lengths a grid system which shifts the individuated matter of consciousness... To work impartially for those moments a higher order of energy at dispensations to your timeline... This means in simple terms... We will give what could be termed exemptions to a higher graded system by which you will have a predominance in waves affecting individuals around this Earth...

The possible means of condoning this wave will be in how you choose to make this information known... Aspects of having this here read by others will most likely give rise to exempts in the fields by which they clearly are on a higher guidance system individually having risen in energy or frequency... Simple enough their general state of being will be much lighter and in alignment to higher frequencies... Their state of being will be interposed... Laced on accounts to bigger implementations of technology... Having effects of a higher universal consent on timetables partaking within this formation... You individually should not be writing these...

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