essaic tea

Essiac Tea: 4 Secret Ingredients Treated Thousands of Cancer Patients

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Natural Society, By: Christina Sarich, 11/19/2013

Tea essiac cancer 263x164 Essiac Tea: 4 Secret Ingredients Treated Thousands of Cancer Patients

Since the 1920’s, a renegade nurse treated thousands of cancer patients in Canada with a little known tea made up of just four simple ingredients. By combining Burdock Root, Turkey Rhubarb (used in Chinese medicine to cleanse the colon), Sheep Sorrel (the whole plant including the root) and Slippery Elm (not yellow dock or curly dock as some companies now substitute the herbs in the formulas) Rene Caisse passed on a medicinal wonder which was said to have been passed to her from the Canadian Ojibwa Indians.


Caisse worked with cancer patients for decades, even enduring jail time due to her actions threatening Canadian drug companies. She was proving to be very successful in ‘treating’ cancer with her special tea. The drug companies charged people through the nose for their cancer treatments, but Nurse Caisse charged absolutely nothing.


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