jan 08 2013

Aisha North ~ A short update on the energies

Silver's picture

By: Aisha North, 12/08/2013

As many of you have noticed already, the very air that you breathe seems to have become slightly altered already, and more is to come, as that friendly neighbour of yours, the Sun, has once again let off a barrage of explosions that will fill your atmosphere with some rather interesting messages in the days and nights ahead. You see, these explosions or heavenly fireworks do you all a world of good, in every sense of the word, as the energy that is released during these spectacular shows are doing more than what they look like on the surface. As you are perhaps aware of already, all of these explosions come  laden with a whole lot of energetic debris if you will, that is being torn away from the very surface of that heavenly body and hurled out into space.


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