John Smallman

Many have been working powerfully and effectively behind the scenes

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John Smallman's Blog 07/28/2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman

GFP Commentary:  The oneness of God is the embracing of the divine masculine and the divine feminine that is in all of us


The Oneness of God and all of His creation is a concept that is beyond beauty, beyond perfection.  It is an infinite harmony of integrated energy fields that is overwhelming in its magnificence.  When you – humanity – return Home, and awaken into Reality as you are divinely destined to do, your delighted amazement as you remember and recognize who You truly are will absolutely enchant you.

Jesus through John - Failure is neither an option nor a possibility

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Jesus through John July 22, 2013 by John Smallman

John Smallman

These final moments before your awakening are extremely trying and tiring for you because it seems that you have been waiting for eons – and in a way you have – even though it has been but a moment, and yet the waiting continues!  We, your guides and mentors in the spiritual realms, are with you to assist in assuaging your doubts and anxieties and to raise your spirits.  And to remind you, as you truly do know, that the divine plan – in which each of you has an essential part to play, an essential duty to perform that no one else can do instead of you – is perfectly on schedule for the unfoldment of humanity’s grand and illustrious awakening.  Keep carrying your Light enthusiastically on high for all to see, because doing so not only uplifts and encourages others, but it also strengthens your own faith, your own deep inner knowing that all is as it should be – because that is God’s Will.

A magnificent coming-together of the human family has commenced

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The long-expected and hoped-for moment of once more becoming fully conscious beings, at one with each other and God – and fully aware of this – draws ever closer, as more of you choose to join the collective intent to awaken.  It can happen instantly when the Love field enveloping and uniting you all is fully acknowledged. Despite all the attention being paid to the illusion and its problems, there is growing awareness that a sea change in perception is essential if you are to leave behind the old ways of judgment, retribution, and conflict so that you can live in harmony with one another, regardless of race, color, or religious or political persuasion, and that awareness is what is driving you forwards so effectively on your path to awakening.


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July 19, 2013 by John Smallman


Here in the spiritual realms we are observing, with enormous joy, humanity’s rapid progress towards awakening.  Yes, we do keep telling you this, and the reason is that frequent enthusiastic encouragement, like this observation, assists you in focusing on holding and strengthening your intent to wake up from the illusion. There still remain many distractions that would attempt to divert you from your path, and so we will continue to draw your attention back to the task in hand – waking up and becoming fully conscious beings, as is your divine destiny.

Jesus through John - What purpose could be more important than to experience once more the utter joy of being your true selves

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Humanity is racing towards the moment of awakening and your momentum is unstoppable.  Many of you feel that nothing of note is going on as you watch or listen to the daily news from the mass media and hear more of the same kinds of stories that you have been hearing for years.  But beneath the level of your conscious awareness much is happening, and you are aware of it at a deep inner level.  It is apparent in your daily lives, either as stuff coming up for attention and release or as a sense that something of significance, of considerable importance, but you know not what, is in the offing.  It is unsettling because you are looking for indications or signs from the media that would validate your inner sense of expectancy, but that cannot occur.  What will happen is that changes, which will be shocking for many, will take place and be reported, and then you will have your “aha” moment as the physical events that are reported align and resonate with your feelings of expectancy.

The information now being brought into the light is empowering you all as never before

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We are all one.  That is the divine, the inescapable, and the most wondrous truth, and all you need to do is to embrace it and live it.  When you do there will be peace, harmony, and unconditional acceptance throughout humanity.  The energies of your New Age are flooding in and demonstrating this truth all over the world as ever more of you open yourselves in acceptance of it.  It is an eternal truth that is now becoming so obvious, so irrefutable, that no one can continue to deny it and still claim to be level-headed or well-informed.

Jesus through John - Awakening happily from a nightmare which is already fading from your memories

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When humanity awakens into Reality – as it cannot avoid doing – it will experience an environment so completely different from the one to which it is accustomed that it will be, to put it plainly, quite mind-blowing for you all.  The moment of awakening is something you have been praying and hoping for in every one of your earth lifetimes, something towards which you have been steadily working since the moment of apparent separation from your heavenly Father.  At the center of your being you have always known that this was to be the lifetime in which your awakening would come to pass; consequently, many of you are now feeling itchy, impatient, fretful, even agitated, as you await the completion of your awakening process.

Jesus through John - A marvelous clarity is developing in your minds

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John Smallman


This is an absolutely amazing moment in humanity’s evolving collective consciousness as it moves ever more into alignment with that of our Father.  It has been divinely planned and intended since the point at which you apparently went into the illusion to separate yourselves from God and attempt to live without His loving guidance and support.  That was not possible, but you were able to pretend that you had separated yourselves from Him, and then build an environment from which Love was excluded.  In truth It could only be hidden – It could not be excluded because there is nothing else – and only for as long as the vast majority of you wanted It to remain hidden.  Now the collective has changed its mind and is choosing to remove the imaginary veil which has kept Love hidden from you.  As the veil is rolled back, letting in the Light, a marvelous clarity is developing in your minds as you recognize the insanity of so many of your long-accepted and basically traditional common attitudes and behaviors which encouraged mistrust, division, and conflict, and that you now realize were utterly unnecessary and extremely damaging for you all.

Your hearts are vast spaces into which endless joy is about to flow

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The continual outpouring of Love now in progress on your planet is having a most powerful effect, an effect that has not yet been fully recognized even by some of the Light-bearers and wayshowers who chose to be here to engage with It and assist in bringing humanity to the point of awakening.  There is a lightness in the air, in the atmosphere, that is raising spirits even as the mainstream news media continues to focus on the dramas of conflict, political and economic instability, and accidents and catastrophes all across the world.  But there truly are signs – signs very visible to those who choose to see – of the rising frequency of humanity’s energy field as it moves inexorably away from the dark and into the Light, disclosing and undoing the secrecy and corruption that has for so long been endemic.


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