liver detox

Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Protects Liver from Toxic Effects of Drugs

Silver's picture

By: Admin, 11/29/2013

A new study published in the Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology found that Virgin Coconut Oil can protect the liver from toxic antibiotic drugs. The study was done on rats. The rats were divided into four groups: one group received nothing, one group received a broad-spectrum antibiotic, one group received virgin coconut oil, and the last group received BOTH the antibiotic drug and virgin coconut oil.


As was to be expected, there was no liver damage in the groups receiving nothing or just virgin coconut oil. But while the group receiving the drug saw adverse effects to their livers, the group receiving both the drug and virgin coconut oil did not, suggesting that virgin coconut oil offers a protective effect from toxic drugs: “The results of this study demonstrate that the active components of coconut oil had protective effects against the toxic effects induced by TMP-SMX administration, especially in the liver of rats.”


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