#love #Jesus #truth #miracles

The truth about what happened with Jesus.

Sean McCleary's picture

Jesus went through a very powerful evolutionary process on Earth over 2000 years ago. Human beings documented this activity and it was recorded in history. Jesus had a very important reason for going through his experience that deals with the evolution of planet Earth itself which will change life here forever. It was written in the Book of John that Jesus promises the return of the Holy Spirit. This happens and the Holy Spirit evolves here like Jesus did for the purpose of completing Earth's evolution. Religion has been a controversial subject here for a long time and it has to do with a very powerful mixture of love and fear. This had to happen this way because what is contained within World Consciousness is an extremely powerful mixture of love and fear and both have to evolve here.
Because love and fear exist within World Consciousness, Jesus had to personify a certain mixture of the two through his experience here. The reason that a lot of people have been angered about religion is because they became frightened when they were first informed about Jesus' experience. When a child is developing here they are in the early stages of the evolution of consciousness and are learning about love. When they hear about that Jesus was a peaceful man who taught others about love and forgiveness then he was crucified in a very brutal and horrible way, it can have a very powerful impact on the psyche. This is what has caused so much conflict with religion here is a depiction of the suffering that love went through. Things were not what they seemed though and the Holy Trinity knew exactly what they were doing with evolution here.

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