Cathy Lindsey - AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology
This is a very powerful and Healing New Piscean Moon. Pisces is watery and dreamy….with visions, Angels and the Mystical. Pisces is about unconditional Love and high channeled creativity. This Pisces New Moon is also falling on St. Patrick’s Day….so it shouldn’t be a surprise if you see little green “people” floating around…. surrounded by lots of Leprechaun’s and Fairies. J Enjoy the soft intuitive energy of Pisces and take time to turn inward for reflection, meditation, and revelations.
It is time to find our Sanctuary….time to surround your Sanctuary with Soulfulness and Peacefulness. Your sacred space where you can go into meditation and feel the high Spiritual energy! A space where you can dream, where you can communicate with your guidance….a place where you can manifest and create!