
Halloween and the Pleaides Connection

Desert Gypsy's picture - 10-29-13

Photo via Kurt Magoon on Flickr

Yes, Halloween is an astronomical holiday.

Halloween – short for All Hallows’ Eve – is an astronomical holiday. Sure, it’s the modern-day descendant from Samhain, a sacred festival of the ancient Celts and Druids in the British Isles. But it’s also a cross-quarter day, which is probably why Samhain occurred when it did. Early people were keen observers of the sky. A cross-quarter day is a day more or less midway between an equinox (when the sun sets due west) and a solstice (when the sun sets at its most northern or southern point on the horizon). Halloween – October 31 – is approximately midway point between the autumn equinox and winter solstice, for us in the Northern Hemisphere.

Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters


annamerkaba's picture

~URGENT -WEALTH AND ABUNDANCE PORTAL -3 DAYS ~ At this very important moment in your earthly history. We call upon you our dearly beloved beautiful earthly masters to comprehend the truth of your mightiness and the truth of your existence. We call upon YOU those standing with their feet on the ground, to utilize all the magical properties of the alchemy that you hold within your physical vessel of being and the thirty 37th parallel to open doors for more magic to come... 


...We the Pleiadian High Council are standing by you at this very important moment in the history of human kind. We bring the message of love and light. We bring the message of enlightenment, and knowledge, knowledge on how to tap into the abundance of the universal truth...~




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