
When Can We Expect To Teleport Ourselves To A Chosen Destination?

MomT's picture 23 August, 2013 - Thanks to two studies published in Nature last Thursday, the chance of successful teleportation has considerably increased. Which is a good thing, right?

Whether or not you’ve ever been on a long-haul flight, you’ve probably fantasised about being able to magically disappear from one place and reappear in another. And a natural question for a physicist is whether there is any way to achieve this in practice.

In fact, something known as “quantum teleportation” became a reality in 1997. This first demonstration was for particles of light (photons).

Since then, physicists have also applied teleportation to other very small things, for example single atoms.

So when can we expect to just teleport ourselves to our chosen destination? You might want to sit down for this.


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