AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
It’s a Scorpio New Moon….one of the most intense, transformative, mystical Moon’s….and perhaps one of the most important moons of the entire Year! With this New Scorpio Moon, we have major planetary shifts happening. Within about a 3 day period we have 2 major aspects happening within 24 hours of this New Moon. We have Uranus (constant of change, future thinker, community, humanity etc) retrograding back into Aries…forming again, the powerful, transformative, birthing of New with some Urgency…. Cardinal Square/Grand Cross! We also have the Nodal Axis switching signs from Leo North Node/Aquarius South Node….to a Cancer North Node and Capricorn South Node! Then the day after this New Scorpio Moon we have Jupiter moving into Sagittarius! This is a lot of movement of energy for everyone to try and incorporate into their bodies and consciences! There can be a feeling of chaos, anxiety, being overwhelmed and just plan exhausted....among other things and feelings. There are also some aspects happening that can help us through this intense period. There are chapters in your life that could be ending and there are also some exciting chapters in your life that are just beginning. Remember…we are on the path of Radical Evolution!