Waking Times

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Do You Really Want to Eat Hot Dogs After Knowing This?

Flickr - Hot Dog - TheBusyBrainDr. Mercola
Waking Times

The hot dog is one of America’s most popular foods, with the average person consuming 50 of them per year. Hot dogs are one of the most nutritionally bankrupt foods.

Yet for decades, they’ve been given a free pass, granted one pardon after another thanks to their towering status in American culture. But when you look at what they are giving you in return, you will want to seriously reconsider their status.

The hot dog’s gustatory glow took a significant hit in 2009 when the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) issued its landmark report

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Five Steps Toward A Better Life

happiness love womanLuminita Saviuc, Purpose Fairy
Waking Times

When it comes to finding happiness, many of us seem to be looking for it in all the wrong places, wasting time and energy, not realizing that the root of happiness is within each and every one of us, in our hearts. Allowing ourselves to experience genuine happiness is to become happiness, it is wanting happiness to be a part our lives with all our hearts and being open to receiving it no matter what form it might take.

Today I would like to share with you the five steps that will help you on this journey toward experiencing the real happiness you have been searching up until this very moment

1. Surround yourself with peopl...

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Intention and the Rite of Disengagement

Break the ChainsZen Gardner, Guest
Waking Times

What we participate in is pretty much the name of the game. What do we spend our time, energy and intention on? What are we consciously and/or subconsciously empowering that’s leading to our own dis-empowerment? Where attention and thus intention goes, energy flows. Where is ours going, collectively and individually? Something to seriously consider on a continual basis in this massively manipulated energetic world.

I’ve been blown away recently by the rapid rise in consciousness we’re witnessing and it’s hitting me between the eyes. The awakening is clearly on and reverberating as new waves of energetic truth continue to pervade every area of society. I’m recei...

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Are You Suffering From These Ascension Symptoms?

Ascension1Deidre Madsen, Contributor
Waking Times

Are You Suffering From R.A.M (Rapid Ascension Movement)?

Are you feeling sad, confused, experiencing unexplained body aches and pains, disorientation, loss of time, loss of memory, sudden career or relationship changes, more alienated than ever from the world, excessively lethargic, lost, heightened sensitivities to foods, medicines, or supplements, surges of unexplained emotion, unusual dreams, lashing out, bouts of depression getting worse, alternate realities, feeling like you are in several (or more than one) place(s) at once? If so, you are not alone. If so, you are most likely experiencing DNA shifts as we [all of creation] move into a higher consciousness both physically and psychologically.

You Are Not Alone


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Is Religion Inherently Authoritarian?

Church Empty-pewsAdam Lee, AlterNet
Waking Times

Compared to secular reasoning, the religious establishment has been slow to act when it comes to moral progress.

Human history is a story of gradual moral enlightenment. Over the ages, we’ve become less violent, less xenophobic, more tolerant, more committed to the ideals of democracy and equality under the law. Of course, moral progress is painfully slow, with many holdouts and local reversals, and we have a very long way left to go. But it’s hard to deny that the world we live in today is less prejudiced and more peaceful than the world 500...

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Youtube Safety Mode Censorship: Latest Battleground in the War on Consciousness

David Gardner, Guest
Waking Times

YouTube was once a bastion of free speech, an open venue where alternative information could circulate and wake up millions worldwide. Now it’s increasingly a place where truth is suppressed, as YouTube’s 6 billion+ hours of content is ‘soft censored’ on the sly by its mysterious ‘safety mode’. Keep reading if you prefer watching liberating information to mindless entertainment.

It seems that Youtube doesn’t care about your awakening.

With so many hours of freely available information to watch, you might think that Youtube is a great platform to spread and defend the truth. But increasingly we are seeing restrictions on the types of videos that YouTube welcomes, even when they don’t breach Youtube’s published communit...

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Fracking – The Next Frontier for Offshore Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico

Steve Horn, DeSmogBlog
Waking Times

In little-noticed news arising out of a recent Gulf of Mexico offshore oil and gas lease held by the U.S. Department of Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the floodgates have opened for Gulf offshore hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”).

With 21.6 million acres auctioned off by the Obama Administration and 433,822 acres receiving bids, some press accounts have declared BP America — of 2010 Gulf of Mexico offshore oil spill infamy — a big winner of the auction. If true, fracking ...

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8 Reasons Apple Cider Vinegar Is One Of The Best Health Tonics Available

Apple-cider-vinegarJ. Summerly, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

The question is not what Apple Cider Vinegar can do, but what can’t it do. As a folk remedy, it has been credited with curing everything from the flu to warts or sunburn to dandruff. However, it also can help reverse many serious diseases that many would immediately turn to medications to solve. Here are 8 more reasons this powerful health tonic makes your kitchen your best pharmacy.

Unpasteurized or organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) contains mother of vinega...

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Too Much Screen Time Disrupts Young People’s Emotional Intelligence

kidstextingAnna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles recently took a look into how media is affecting young people’s social skills. UCLA scientists studied two groups of sixth-graders from the same school: one group didn’t have any screen time for the duration of five days; while the other group spent their usual time looking at smartphones, TVs and other screens.

What was revealed? The study reported that the group of sixth-graders without any screen time did a better job reading human emotions.

Many parents are typically concerned that too much time in front of the TV or playing

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This Discovery Makes Bee Die-Off Problem That Much Worse

Bee Colony CollapseHeather Callaghan, Contributor
Waking Times

Many arrows point to the bee decline. A Harvard professorrecently warned that Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is only the beginning for us. The ripple effect from new classes of pesticides is just getting started.

But there’s more…

The problems they face can be compared to a kaleidoscope, where the shapes are layered, interconnected, many and morphing.

It’s not only pesticides that lead to pollinator death – it’s more. It’s other things, the combination of things, thought to be harmless to bees and to humans.


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