§ WE WENT TO MARS 1973 § And never told anyone!

glr_Andrea's picture


Pubblicato in data 11/lug/2012 da 5FoldSymmetry

http://www.everything3d2.com/ In 1973 there was a manned mission to Mars and they told no one, why? Could it be they knew something was there and did not want anyone to know what they went there for? These questions beg to be answered. Please Subscribe, Comment and Like to see more of these type of videos.

Link to Baltic Sea UFO, extraterrestrial life, Mars aliens, off world colonies, manned mission Mars ?

By the way, look at those cards with the days on them, they are not being held, they are floating in space, zero G.




Barb315's picture

I wonder just who the lucky astronauts were

Where are the stars?

Libbie Webb's picture

I read a couple of comments that made a good point...if this was really in space, where are all the STARS?


This does make one wonder.

Makes me wonder how many

Doreen Smith's picture

Makes me wonder how many missions went on like this without the American people knowing anything about it..Was that ice like substance around Mars? I wish someone would have spoken about what it was we were looking at..sigh..Sending much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to ALL! NOW! :) <3

I doubt this is a real one

Nathaelle's picture

I doubt this is a real one : /watch?v=HUHmd26rPKs (this one has been posted in 2009)

Just look at this shaking. Have you ever seen a film done in space with no gravity shake ? Try this in water, that's similar.


Now I think that's still a legitimate question.