“Keep your eyes on the prize.” – Michael and Raphael by GLR Ron Head

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“Keep your eyes on the prize.” – Michael and Raphael by GLR Ron Head

April 26, 2012 

Michael and Raphael

Good morning, dear friends.  I bring today Raphael of the healing light.  Raphael has a message which is important for you now as you absorb the light from your sun, the Universe and Central Sun. 

Good morning, dearest souls.  You are feeling new and powerful energies of light that have been gifted to your bodies and minds.  Please allow yourselves to play and enjoy yourselves in these fields as they bring to you the changes that you have asked for and will need in your near future.  Your bodies, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual will need to be changed and strengthened to accommodate the higher energies of the planet you will be living upon and the greater being you are becoming.  You have felt this coming on, but you as yet have no real understanding of what this will entail.  I mean to encourage you, as the you that is coming will delight you indeed.

Things which you have worked hard to release, and which have clung to you stubbornly, will be released now.  They cannot exist in the light that is the true you.  Qualities which you have worked long and hard to develop will seemingly be yours with almost no effort.  The truth is, they have always been yours.  Maintain your centered, grounded consciousness and you will find this an easy transition.  Call upon me for help at any time.  All of us and all of your master teachers are available to you at any time for help and guidance.

Should these changes become uncomfortable to you, please ask and we can help you to assimilate them with grace and ease.  Some of you may feel no discomfort at all.  Please do not think this will mean that you are being passed by.  Some of you may revel in the discomforts you feel.  Please do not slow yourselves down in this manner.  The various ways you will experience this are simply caused by the individual states of energy from which you are beginning, and nothing more.  I will use one of your sayings, as Michael loves to do.  “Keep your eyes on the prize.”

You will find no let up now, as time is short, but when you need rest it will be available.  You might have felt that given to you as a feeling of tiredness which you did not understand.  Just accept it now as what you need at the time.  You have a lot to accomplish before this year ends.  We will support you in every way possible.  Reach out in your quiet moments and you will find us.  When you feel us, if you like, ask for the sensation to increase.  We promise it shall.

I offer you now my green light of healing.  Use it as much as you desire.  We both now bid you good day and joy in all you do.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/

