hilarionra's picture

when someone is offended by that which they come across within them, and in the physical manifest realm, its because
they have unconscious attached connotations to the material itself. example = swastika,sexual orientational rights,
being told what to do, someone telling you what they see within you that youre unaware of, or that you are aware of
but that youd rather just not here about it because again you have unconscious attachments to your desire
to control the experience you are going through. this all pertains to ones egomind within the being.

the egomind does not like to have the cat dragged out of the bag, or to have the truth shoved in its face,
so for those who strongly identify with the egomind within them, they can be seen doing what enlightened beings do
the only difference is within the energy they emanate, simply not being present within their experience and choosing
all that they can with all that they are, to try and upkeep their perception of what their thoughts say reality is.
in this again they are deeply engrained in being an intellectual, identifying with the egominds fear of letting go
resistance and its desire to continually either run from the truth or try to destroy all life as it stands before

they can also been seen talking about how they feel completely insane, and again this is because they identify
with the egomind as it is. all of this is why everyone gets disorientated, because the egomind is being dissolved.
all of this can be seen in the discordant relationships in society today. when you piss of your friend/family
member, becaus what you said was offensive, or that you crossed a line with speech. Now crossing the line with
sexuality, ie pedophilia, child molestation, rape and kidnapping is obviously unethical, but so is murder of
every kind, this includes going to another nation with the intent to divine and conquer for the means of
securing their freedoms by means of security. which is simply forcing them to sacrifice their security for a freedom
thats throwing in their face and said to be better than the one they already live with. which a part of that is where
we get suicide bombers and other beings who are willing to go right after the army guys /girls and kill them.

funny though, a being whos supposed to be a leader for america, yet have you taken a look at america lately?
its not only been declared a battlefield by the ndaa, but its also discordant as hell, and its got a double negative.
the fact that the american people are conditioned to feel that their freedoms are secured by those who work for
the government. that as long as they stay in line theyll be fine. but thats okay , because the being is instinctively
not desiring conflict of any kind to come their way, and in that theyre assisting themselves in dropping their
personal will, and are working with the inevitable. A slow egodeath. However, theyre also desiring through their
unconsciousness, to keep all life positive, and remove the negative in totality, and in that , they are unconsciously
desiring conflict to take place, and get upset when there is upheaval inside or around them.