10 Ingredients in Processed Foods That Steal Nutrients From Your Body

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April McCarthy, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

Unless you’re living on a farm in the middle of nowhere, chances are you consume at least some packaged foods. Food scientists around the world are always working hard (not smart) at finding the cheapest ingredients to extend shelf life. Unfortunately, their job is not to look out for your health. Many ingredients used to sweeten, preserve and emulsify foods also rob your body of critical nutrients. Here are the one’s to look out for.

“Even if you’re eating a well-balanced diet, you’re likely consuming some packaged foods, such as cereal, yogurt, and frozen vegetables, that are going to make you deficient in at least one micronutrient,” says certified nutritionist Mira Calton, who co-authored the book Rich Food, Poor Food with husband Jayson Calton, Ph.D. “The fact is, Americans are overfed, but under-nourished.”
