100s stage demo in Argentina to support anti-austerity European protesters

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Press TV,Thu Nov 15, 2012 3:3AM GMT

Riot police officers face protesters at the end of a demonstration outside the Portuguese Parliament in Lisbon during a general strike on November 14, 2012.

Riot police officers face potesters at the end of a demonstration outside the Portuguese Parliament in Lisbon during a general strike on November 14, 2012.

Hundreds of people have taken to streets in Argentina to show solidarity with anti-austerity protesters across Europe.

The demonstrators gathered outside the Greek embassy and the Spanish consulate in the capital Buenos Aires on Wednesday to express their support to European workers.

At the end of the event, which was held peacefully, the protesters condemned the European governments' austerity measures.
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It is wonderful to see how

Alban's picture

It is wonderful to see how some countries are supporting other countries!

We are witnessing the Re-Unification of the the world's population!


Let's be ONE with the UNIverse and the Cosmos now!!


Love and Light