10~10~10 REPOST & Connection With 11~11~11~

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10~10~10 REPOST & Connection With 11~11~11~


I’m re-posting this particular article to remind, reconnect and align last years 10-10-10 portal with the November 11, 2011 11-11-11 portal.  A lot has happened during just the past year and much more will after we pass through the 11-11-11, and yet again with next years 12-12-12. Many Stair Steps have been needed for us to remain in-body while we transmuted and embodied so very much. Here’s to tomorrow and beyond 


November 10, 2011

In typical Denise fashion I perceive/receive higher complex information and large concepts in almost embarrassingly simplified ways. This is why I write the way I do; I cut to the chase and go for the bottom-line because I usually don’t perceive/receive all the detailed filler information such as names, sub-zones, levels and such. It isn’t all that important to me in all honesty. Once I have perceived some main aspects of certain Bigger Pictures, I don’t need all of the names and complex finer details. I perceive/receive the overall gist and feel of what’s happening, why and when.


I’ve decided to write this exactly as I perceived/received this information and not do as much interpreting, explaining and defining of reality as I usually try to do. We’re all needing to evolve to where we don’t depend on certain people and/or systems  and/or only our left-brained intellect to define reality for us. After thousands of years of deliberate dark BS, lies and distortions from lower frequency people and  global systems, we’ve reached spiritual adulthood now and need to start defining reality for ourselves. The body and brain rewiring will enable us to do this and much more.

I’d like you to see in your mind’s eye exactly what I’ve seen, felt and know about the 09-09-09 through 12-21-12 transitions because I believe it’s how more of us are going to be perceiving/receiving higher Light information/knowledge now; decreased linear words (telepathic and physically written/spoken), with increased visual symbols as large chunks of complex Light information. Below are two highly simplified symbolic visual information concepts about the 10-10-10 energy stair step transition that I perceived/received a while ago. Actually it’s not only the triple ten’s of Oct. 10, 2010. Another level or phase (within the ongoing Ascension Process) was activated via the 09-09-09 of Sept. 9, 2009, and will  continue to unfold quickly and dramatically now through the 10-10-10, and the 11-11-11, and the 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 remaining important energy transitions. See, feel and know these two symbolic visuals and interpret this phase of The Process for yourself.


In your mind’s eye envision a massive dense rain forest from overhead as if you were in an airplane looking down on it. There is absolutely nothing down there but dense trees and other thick vegetation. No cleared areas whatsoever, no roads, absolutely nothing but thick, dark, dense, scary and impenetrable rain forest. Do you see it? Can you hear the airplane’s little engine running far up above? Can you see the vast and dense rain forest below you? See it, hear it, feel it and hold it in your inner mind’s eye and heart as you keep reading, feeling and knowing.

The pilot of this small plane has one very important passenger on-board who desires to land in that dense Earth forest. Problem is, there’s absolutely no place to land the plane, and this very important passenger must land and step off on to the ground. This passenger will not parachute, but must land and touch the ground in this precise way. So the pilot and his very important passenger continue flying in large slow circles overhead, searching, waiting, searching far and wide, hoping to find a small landing strip somewhere below in the massive denseness.


You have a burning, unrelenting, cosmic soul NEED to carve out a landing strip in the middle of a dense, dark, rain forest by yourself. WTF! Really? Do you realize how insanely difficult and dangerous that’s going to be? Are you aware that you may not be able to complete the landing strip in time for the small airplane to land? Shit…hum…  No, I can do it. It’s what I do and do very well so cheerio, fuck-it-all, I’m carving out a damned landing strip in the middle of a massive dense, dark rain forest alone and by-hand and I absolutely will not stop until it is completed!

Amazingly you’ve succeeded in carving out a large magnificent landing strip in the middle of a dense rain forest. You are however all cut up, bruised and bloody, beat to hell, unimaginably exhausted, and you just wanna sit down now and have a good long hard cry and little Pity Party for yourself. Go ahead, you’ve earned it for gawd sakes! You carved out a freaking landing strip in the middle of a dense dark jungle where angels fear to tread! Have that hard-earned, gut-wrenching, snot-flying, deep soul sobbing cry and be proud because you did it despite the enormous difficulties and dangers involved. (This fellow Lightworking Path Pavers represents Phase One of the Ascension Process which I’m sure you recognize.)

So there you are in all your Starseed/Lightworker/Wayshower/Path Paver dirty, bloody and beat-up glory sitting exhausted and crying on your damned fine-looking landing strip in the middle of a dense—but now much brighter—rain forest. You wait and wait and wait there for months, then years, but no one comes. Insert more intense and dejected crying, confusion, anger and short periods of self-doubt here.

Then, one day you hear it… the ever so faint sound of a small airplane flying overhead far in the distance. OMG…could it be? Is The Great Day finally here? You bet your sweet Lightworker, Path Paving, tired Old Soul ass it’s finally here!

“Da plane, da plane…” your weary and nearly broken mind sings excitedly to you like a spiritual joke from that old TV show Fantasy Island. You hear the small plane finally approaching and you know its going to land on your beloved landing strip. Deep inside you also know that the real fun will start now. You glance at your watch to check the date and time and sure enough, it’s 10-10-10. Oh man…here it finally comes after all these brutal, isolated, painful and dangerous years of intense prep work.


See this next symbolic scenario in your mind’s eye and High Heart too for you already know all this but maybe haven’t put all the puzzle pieces together yet.

You’ve got very special company coming to visit you soon so you start the massive house cleaning, yard cleaning, window washing, buffing and polishing, washing and everything cleaning in preparation. This is so exciting and rare, but it is going to take plenty of time and serious energy-consuming cleaning and clearing work to get your house, yard, and yourself ready for the arrival of your very special company.

You start the massive cleaning, clearing and trash removal work on your house—inside and out—and in your yard too. You’ve got plenty of time to get it all done before your company arrives, however, you know your back is going to hurt like all hell doing it all, that you’re going to become profoundly tired and in a lot of extra pain and stress trying to do so much work, so much cleaning, so much polishing and prep work for this special company that’s coming. It doesn’t matter…you dive into all your cleaning and clearing work despite the extra aches, pains and fatigue that it causes your physical body and everything else. You rest when you can and get back to the intense cleaning and clearing work day after day. On top of all this, you still have your daily regular life’s work and chores that also need to be tended to, but you manage to get it all done somehow.

It’s slow going and there’s far more dirt and mess than you realized was there, but you keep at it because you really are excited to have this particular company coming. It makes the long and difficult cleaning and trash removal work worth it when you think about how much fun it’s going to be once this particular company arrives.

Finally, you take a long careful look around your house both inside and out, and also check the yard to make sure it’s clean and beautiful. Most all the cleaning work is done now, and despite your being absolutely exhausted after endless months of cleaning and prep work, your house, yard and everything else is looking and feeling exceptionally nice, clean, tidy and ready for your very special company. You glance at your calendar one more time to check the date to see how long before your company arrives and you discover it’s only a few days now. 10-10-10 is right around the corner and your special company will begin arriving then. (this represents an aspect of Phase Two let’s call it, of more Ascension work during 2009 and 2010 up to now.)


You smile in anticipation and joy over having succeeded in carving out the difficult landing strip in the middle of the dense and nearly impenetrable rain forest on time. You smile in anticipation and joy over having succeeded in cleaning and clearing your entire house, yard, and everything else in preparation of the arrival of your special  out-of-town company. And importantly, you finally understand WHO the special passenger is in the small plane that’s getting ready to land now. You understand WHO your special out-of-town company is that’s arriving with the 10-10-10 energies. You finally understand WHY you were so obsessed about carving a landing strip in the middle of a dense rain forest  by yourself (the old lower 3D world). You finally understand WHY you were so obsessed about cleaning and clearing your entire house and yard (the transmuting and resolving polarity, karma, and all lower frequency energies within yourself, mind, heart, and bodies that was Phase One of the Ascension Process). All of this long, painful, and incredibly difficult prep work was absolutely necessary so that higher aspects of YOU could even land and/or come and visit you now…be embodied.

10-10-10 is the start of this intense phase of us embodying, continuously housing within our physical bodies more of US that has always existed at higher dimensions.  You know why this can finally happen because you’ve been doing all the insanely difficult and painful work/cleaning/clearing for over a decade! Since 09-09-09 we’ve been inching our ways towards finally having these next particular transitions happen. The 10-10-10, the 11-11-11 and the two 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 stair steps/portals/gates are the last three important Ascension Process transitions we have to journey through.  (There’s more than just these three but they’re huge in what and why!)

The plane is finally landing; our special company is finally arriving via these remaining 10-10-10 and beyond energy increments or stair steps. Guess how amazing and easily creative it’s going to be to literally embody so much more of YOU (the pilot, his special passenger, your special company, plus you who did all the cleaning and landing strip prep work) in-body on the new 5D Earth from here on out? Hey, that sounds like your doorbell ringing…you’d better get it.

Denise Le Fay

October 8, 2010

Copyright © 2010–2013 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. http://deniselefay.wordpress.com/
