Lia's picture

In recent weeks, there has been a good deal of controversy in regard to new and old paradigm thinking. Yesterday Michael Erickson wrote, "There is a war, Ron. It's the war between what IS true, and what APPEARS true. If you are not fighting this war, you will very likely believe a lie." And again, "The idea that we are "one with God" IS the propaganda." This is old paradigm thinking; and, as I see it, responsible for the world we have created. I cannot make anyone see anything; however I do invite as many as can to release this old-paradigm thinking and envision a world of peace rather than a world at war.


There is no war going on, it

World-Bridger's picture

There is no war going on, it is a rescue mission! I see it as a game called "Life on Planet Earth" Part of the game was experiencing creation as being seperate from creation. It was a fun game, much has been learned on many levels, it has been a painful game and at times a blissful one. This game has come to an end and the expansion set is being downloaded. That said there are many that have dived deep into the game of seperateness and have forgoten what is real, they have forgot their connection to the all and have built quite an ego that continues to lure them deeper into the "dream game". In reality there is nothing we have done that is right or wrong, it just is experience, the main danger that faces many is that they have dived so deep into the game that they are in danger of denying spirit "the sin" that is not forgivable because doing so you cut yourself off and are in danger of being "recycled" Thus the rescue mission LOVE! This is why many are here now, we are part of the rescue mission and it is a Love thang, it is a Light thang, but not to be taken lightly.

We must all remember to keep our Eye single to the Light of Love which is our Life, which is all Life, in hopes that if we are lifted up, we may draw all mankind to us.

