That was the message I "heard" upon awakening this morning and pondered in nearly two hours of meditation before coming to the computer. Yesterday for me was a day of intense focus as I was up against a deadline to prepare my response to the court. Once again there were people pulling at me for attention; and I had to consciously choose not to get sidetracked again as was happening all this past week. People approach me with legal issues, health issues, relationship issues, money problems and virtually every concern known to Man. We live and have our experience in a world of fear, an acronym for which is False Evidence Appearing Real. That is certainly appropriate in the legal realm where everything is color of law pretending to be actual law. But it is also true when dealing with those other issues we face in human life. With Valentine's Day only days away, I am reminded of the saying from the Bible: perfect loves casts out fear. I have felt that perfect love sweep over me; and so, I imagine, have you. I am coming to realize more and more that only love can heal our fears. Can you see that yet?