11-23-12 Bill Ballard ~ Through the 11th Gate of the 11-11 Doorway ~ Now What Do We Do

Lia's picture

Yesterday we passed through the 11th Gate of the 11:11 Doorway out of duality to begin our living in the Oneness from whence we came. Now what do we do? I have heard there are spiritual bloggers leaving as everything is finally just beginning! Hold On Peeps! The work is only JUST BEGINNING! WE NEED YOU ALL! Please try to understand what is occurring here and join us in that ONENESS we are as we must now clean up and shift our lovely Mother Earth with the Collective of Humanities Help joining in unified focused thought on scales so massive they have never been witnessed on Earth Before... This is how we will clean up the Gulf Oil Spill, Fukushima, as well as many other man made disasters threatning Mother Earth and Humanity. Its all just getting going now. LOVE!


I quit too. I have given

Guest's picture

I quit too. I have given everything over the decades and have nothing more. Ascension?? Tell someone who cares. My wish (if not my real will) is to go back to sleep now and focus on survival. Enough is enough.

Love if You are not partitipating

Lia's picture

Then You Dont Understand what is happening. We Suggest Participating! If Not guess you will just miss it all. We Send Our Love On Your Journey , we are available for sessions. You can email us at MotherGod1111111@gmail.com

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!