11-27-12 Bill Ballard ~ Coming Up to the Energetic Benchmark Aligning With the Galactic Center

Lia's picture

As we near the perfect alignment with the Galactic Center we are coming to the energetic benchmark, the graduation seeing how much each individual accomplished with their personal mastery during this past cycle which sets the stage for our next 26,000 years. As we hit the benchmark the energies will wane and all will begin to settle down to what we will experience next. The time between now and that benchmark is a time for everyone to do their clearing which allows them to hold more and more light, expanding their concsiouness to whatever level they can achieve. Duality is really trying to slow people here and it is your own mastery that will take you from now til that benchmark. How much emotional baggage and Karma can you let go of to be replaced by higher vibrations of LIGHT? We each can go as far as we individually have worked for to obtain. There is NO GREATER TIME IN HISTORY of this cycle of 26,000 years than is right now, for THAT VERY REASON! Choose wisely where you focus your intent now, for you will NOT have this opportunity again on Earth for another 26,000 years. LOVE!