11 Vegetables Anyone Can Grow At Home

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By Dr. Joseph Mercola

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

One in three U.S. households are now growing food, according to a special report from the National Gardening Association (NGA).[1] This equates to about 42 million households with a food garden in 2013, a 17 percent increase from 2008.

Keeping a garden can improve your health by providing you with fresher, uncontaminated food, and cutting your grocery bill. NGA estimates that while the average US family spends $70 per year to plant a vegetable garden, they grow about $600 worth of produce – that’s a $530 return on your investment.[2]

The promise of garden-fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, and carrots is what initially draws many new gardeners in… but what keeps so many involved is the intrinsically rewarding feeling of growing your own food.
