~11~11~11: The First Domino has been Triggered~
~Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles~
The long anticipated day of 11/11/11 may have come and gone without much anticipated fireworks, however, a closer look behind the scenes would certainly be called for if you wished to see just how significant this day was and how much was truly accomplished away from the blinkered vision of the 3rd dimensional eye. On this most magnificent of days, a great portal was opened according to the decree of the Creator, and the necessary procedures were carried out to the letter by the Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Realms and their trusted partners, the ascended beings of the Galactic Federation. That’s some team working together, would you not agree? But there was another essential part of this team whose effort was most called for on this historic day, and without their assistance this far reaching and vital project could not have been accomplished no matter how many Angels joined forces with the mighty fleets of the Galactic Federation. Who are these essential team members? Well, it is you, and it is I. We. We are the key that unlocked this long sealed door. If it were not for the many carefully placed legions of light all across the globe, these powerful energies could not have been sufficiently anchored, and would not have ever been sent through the portal in the first place. The portal would have remained closed, and the changes we all wished to see would have been postponed, yet again. The dark would have staved off their demise for many more days. This timeline was just as likely to be brought into our experience as the successful opening of the portal, but because of our hard work and dedication to spread our love and light and restore our world to the utopia it once was, we have succeeded. Our anticipation and wish for this day set the table, and our connection throughout as one ‘sealed the deal’ for our new world. The powerful energies that bathed our world throughout the 11/11/11 period are our sign that we have done it, and are all the proof in the world that we will ever need that we have succeeded in our tremendous team effort. The Legions of Light will now grow quickly into the many millions and billions now that these new energies have been successfully anchored in our world. The first domino has been triggered. Now that this portal door is opened, it will remain open as we have remained here on Earth as guardians of this sacred threshold. We are the Gatekeepers.
So what is this portal all about anyway?
This great portal opened to allow the highest and most powerful transmutational frequencies to have reached our planet since the days of the higher dimensional Atlantis. You see, true change cannot happen without the matching accompanying energies to facilitate the transformation. Think of the energies as Michelangelo’s color palate. We are the artists, and we now have all the creational tools and a planet sized canvas to create any world we wish to experience. We have demonstrated for all the higher realms to see that we are a new people, united as one, in service to others and to light, and we have earned our glorious inheritance that we will now receive. There is no denying this now. We have now entered into and crossed through this energetic portal, and have reached the point of no return. So many for so long have waited patiently, and even sometimes impatiently, for the much promised and direly needed changes of our civilization to begin unfolding. There was one important stop that had to be made first on the way to this day, and we have successfully made this stop on 11/11/11. We as one are now solidly positioned on a timeline that will soon deliver us all the changes that we have collectively dreamed of. The 11/11/11 marked the most significant moment to date since the Master teacher Jeshua incarnated to begin His mission in service over 2,000 years ago. Do not be disappointed that fireworks did not erupt overhead, as beneath the surface and unseen to the naked eye humanity crossed a glorious threshold, announcing to the universe that we have arrived and we have earned our right to be welcomed into the great galactic community. Well done, all my sisters and brothers of light, well done.