11~11~11 ~ You Are Magic~

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11~11~11 ~ You Are Magic~


Carol Ann Ciocco




Eleven Eleven
Two-thousand Eleven  



 ~ offered for the benefit of all sentient beings ~





"Why is the date of November 11, 2011 (11-11-11) so magical?" Someone asked me this the other day. In order to answer this question, I've compiled a few thoughts on the possible meaning of the 11-11 number sequence with an eye toward understanding why so many people are madly in love with it. This number sequence is not just a numerological occurrence; it has become a kind of phenomenon.


There are many various events honoring this date, taking place in localities all over the planet. Many events are global via phone, internet and unified telepathic meditative connection. However you decide to honor the date of 11-11-11 - within a group in your community, within a group united in thought and intention, or on your own in silent reverie - I hope the information below might enrich your understanding and embodiment of this phenomenon, and I wish you peace, serenity, joy and magic.



Make a wish!




carol 11-11-11



Carol Ann Ciocco
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Full Moon in Taurus 11-10-11



11-11 flashbulb'THE' 11-11-11 - a triple 11 date - occurs on Friday November 11th. On Thursday November 10th we have a Full Moon in the sign of Taurus (Sun in Scorpio). Because every Full Moon is a three-day portal (the day before, the day of, and the day after) the 11-11-11 takes place within the aura of a Full Moon.


As I describe below, 11-11 is often thought of as a portal or gateway to another dimension. The Full Moon has a similar quality; it illuminates and opens awareness in a broader way, offering the ability to see things more clearly as Light showers down upon the night.


I don't have the space here to analyze the Full Moon chart in detail, but the thing that jumped out at me was the presence of PLUTO in Capricorn (the sign of corporations, government and hierarchies in general) hovering within 2 degrees of the Midheaven (the top of the chart) in New York City. Pluto, that plucky little sorta-planet which astrologically is associated with the deep transformation of everything it touches - sits like a silent watcher over Wall Street and the financial empire that many people around the world are wanting to reform. Here we have a penetrating laser-beam of light from the icy edge of our solar system, a fierce piercing illumination brought to bear on the powder-keg of our times, the economic revolution.


And so, as we celebrate the 11-11 under the light of this gorgeous earthy Taurus Full Moon, I do recommend that we bring our attention to the economic situation unfolding in Europe right now, centering around Greece and Italy. Taurus rules money, investments, gold, valuables, personal values and basic human value. Things are very precarious in Europe's economy right now; and what takes place in Europe affects all of us since the economy is completely globally interconnected (just as Humanity is, go figure).


Taurus is a delicious sign of sensual delights, tempting us to savor the luscious elements of living in the sacred garden of Earth, as well as the pleasures of the five senses in a fleshy body. Our Taurean clay bodies make it possible to have a tactile experience of love. (You can't kiss your soulmate in the etheric.) We have been ambivalent about our bodies over the course of our evolution, sometimes rejecting them so that we can elevate the soul - as if the two can be separated. Without a physical vehicle, our soul has no place to make its impression in the physical world. And our bodies are wonderful soft creatures who want to partner with us in our earthly experience.


As I will describe below, the 11-11 is about balancing polarity especially in relation to the attainment of Spiritual Mastery. By its very nature the 11 is dualistic (the two (1's) ones standing side-by-side, like two sides of a coin). This 11-11-11 Taurus Full Moon asks for balance of Taurus Earth and Eleven Heaven, of Earthen Body and Celestial Soul. Earth is our home and we have the golden opportunity to work out our Eleven Spiritual Mastery here in 3D, in our bodies - which is a great gift.



Numerology of the 11



There is a plethora of information out there describing the number 11 from a numerological perspective. I couldn't possibly summarize it all here; but I will touch on a few of the interpretations to help shape our awareness of what the 11:11 is all about.


(1) First and foremost, 11 is known as The Master Number, i.e. the number of Spiritual Mastery. Please note that this Mastery is dualized with stark contrast. The words 'Jesus' and 'Light' add up to 11. As do the words 'Hitler' and 'Mussolini'. Here we can see the basic duality of the number 11 (which reduces to a 2, the primary number of duality). The mastery of the 11 is a double-edged sword, revealing that serious responsibility comes along with Mastership. The expression of 11 can range from the heights of sublime unity and light-drenched spiritual expression to the depths of dark separative materialism, greed and violence.


eleven(2) 11 is also about mass consciousness. The consciousness of 11 exists at the level of HUMANITY as a whole. 11 holds the energy of "ONE BY ONE BY ONE". Christine DeLorey writes, "Remember that 11 is made up of 1s. 1 is the number of the individual. Multiple 1s reflect multiple individuals. The masses... And every one (1) of us is a part of it. We are 1 (One)." (For detailed information, go to Christine's website www.ChristineDeLorey.com. Christine is a fantastic numerologist who is my go-to person for this ancient and sacred art.)


(3) 11 represents a quantum leap in thinking. It is the most intuitive of all numbers. It is the first number which cannot be represented by a human counting his or her eight fingers and two thumbs additively. Thus, one must "intuit" there is more than can be counted in the physical world - insight without rational thought.


(4) 11 is a self-reflective number: "it shows one reflecting on ones-self, facing one's own reflection, and accepting who one is. 11 (holds the vibration of) self acceptance, without which there can never be peace in the world. - Christine DeLorey" Here we see that the duality of the 11 exists within ourselves as well as in the outside world. Self-reflection with compassion is the hallmark of an enlightened individual because that compassion is then extended to others.


(5) The Age of Aquarius is related to the number 11 because Aquarius is the 11th sign. Our awareness of the 11-11-11 in the early 20th century, a time which is also the seeding phase of the Age of Aquarius, points to the Aquarian energy pouring into the world right now. One could say that 11-11-11 and Aquarius energy are one and the same, which is probably why the 11-11-11 has come to the level of mass-consciousness now, rather than 100 years ago.


(6) If you enjoy channeled material and new-age interpretations, here is a metaphysical description of the 11-11-11: "The triple date portal of 11-11-11 is a cosmic trigger that launches all life into a simultaneous rising of vibrational frequency. This carries the potential to catalyze major impacts within the planetary grids, causing a very swift polarity reversal within our consciousness. This keystone activation triggers a powerful sequence of portal openings across the globe. - Children of the Sun" www.childrenofthesun.org 


What does 11 mean to you? That's what matters most.



11-11-1911 and 11-11-2011



11:11 is a number of our times for another reason - namely the emergence of the digital clock.


The most exciting 11-11-11 date of all time would have been November 11, in the year AD 1111. 11-11-1111. Wow. But our current 11-11-2011 is special for one simple reason: we are aware of it and on a global level. The most recent 11-11 was 11-11-1911; and our consciousness wasn't quite 'there' yet. But there was a significant shift 100 years ago on 11-11 that heralded the mass consciousness awareness of 11-11 in the 21st century. We saw a gesture toward peace, in the form of Armistice Day.


11-11 UnityYes, November 11 is also Veterans Day (originally known as Armistice Day). The day 11-11 was chosen because the major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at 11am on November 11, 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice. As the saying goes: on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month the guns fell silent. The first Veterans Day was celebrated on November 11, 1919. It seems that a few years after the actual 11-11-11 of the 20th century, the energy of the 11-11 emerged in a manifested way.


Note: many historians cite the signing of the Armistice in 1918 as one of the chief causes of World War II due to the humiliation of Germany which characterized this agreement. This treatment came back to haunt the world with the rise of Hitler during Germany's desperate hours. Again we see the profound duality of the 11-11: it is, in its highest expression, a number of peace. And it is also a number that can spawn evil if not used properly - i.e. in support of Unity and compassion.


It wasn't until the emergence of digital clocks in the mid-20th century (1968 to be exact) that Eleven-level Consciousness was born. What's interesting is that 1968 was called the Summer of Love and the 1960's in general were a time of major changes in consciousness in regard to peace and unity. 11:11 is, of course, the only time on the digital clock (without using military time) that all 4 numbers are the same. It is eye-catching and memorable, a visual meme. It seems that once we saw the four 1's on the digital clock, something was activated within us and can't forget it.


The date 11-11-2011 in its entirety - i.e. including the two and the zero of the year 2011 - adds up to 26, which distills to an 8. (Numerology is based on this method: you add up all of the digits of a number and continue to add until the number is reduced to a single digit.) You might want to contemplate the numerological meaning of the number 8 in order to understand this 11-11-11 date more fully. I wrote a newsletter back on August 8, 2008, the opening ceremony of the Olympics in China (8-8-8). (A Total Solar Eclipse happened to fall on that day.) You will find some information on the number 8 in that newsletter: http://conta.cc/ueDprN  Here's one hint: the 8 when turned on its side is the symbol for Infinity, which really dovetails with the symbology of the 11.


In addition, there is a theory about the connection between the 11-11-11 and 10-28-11, the end-date of Dr. Carl Calleman's Mayan Calendar system. See my previous newsletter here for a look at this theory: http://conta.cc/vsuXEk



Your Experience of the 11-11


groundhog day clockThink about the first time you saw 11:11 on a digital clock. I was about 7 years old or so the first time I saw it, just after we got our first digital clock. It was one of those digital clocks that 'flip' over to the next number (like the one in the movie 'Groundhog Day' for those of you who know that movie:) Here was my reaction: I jumped on the bed and said "It's 11:11! It's 11:11!" My brother thought I was crazy and my parents said, "yeah it's 11:11 and way past your bedtime young lady" (or something like that;) But 11:11 stuck with me my whole life. It was and still is just so delightful for me. In college I would point it out to everyone and to this day my best friend calls me or texts me to say: Hey! It's 11:11 and I'm thinking about you!


Why do we keep saying that the 11-11 is a portal? When you look at the 11-11-11, it literally looks like the pillars at the entrance of a building, temple or classical structure (see the top of this email for a visual). Since 11:11 is a number of mastery, when a person begins noticing it, they are waking up to a higher consciousness which shows up as a visual gateway. It is a breakthrough in their spiritual development. More people than ever before are talking about their appreciation of the 11:11. And not just metaphysical types but people from all walks of life and spiritual beliefs. To me this signals a shift in mass-consciousness to a higher level.


Do you remember the flash bulbs we used on cameras in the 70s and 80s? (See picture at the top of this email.) When the bulbs are popped, the flash resembles the 11-11. Doreen Virtue writes, "The 11:11 is like the bright light of a flashbulb." It jolts us awake in a flash and illuminates a doorway we didn't know was there. 


What is your experience of the 11:11 digital clock phenomenon?



A Choice of Direction



ChienThe calendar date of 11-11-11 goes beyond the 11:11 on a digital clock because it is a TRIPLE 11. Christine DeLorey states, "In the case of double and triple 11s, it seems to imply a choice of direction."


To enhance our understanding of concept of a Choice-Point, consider that if you flip the triple 11-11-11 to a vertical position, it looks like a ladder. (More so than just a double 11-11 which is not stacked high enough to convey a ladder to a higher place.) For a visual of the 11-11-11 turned on its side vertically, here is a picture of the I-Ching Hexagram 1 Ch'ien, The Creative, or 'Heaven over Heaven'.


This ladder to Heaven is not just about sending A THOUGHT through a horizontally located doorway, between pillars, into another dimension. It is about MOVING YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS permanently into a higher dimension. It's not just the sudden fleeting flash of a flashbulb, but a place you are going to - moving YOUR WHOLE SELF into - through ACTIVE climbing (i.e. conscious raising of your Light Quotient).


I believe this is part of the opportunity of the 21st century 11-11-11. It seems that the jump here is from working with thought, to actively embodying (just as the Taurus Full Moon indicates) the energies from higher levels.


The word 'level' is very similar to the word eleven, kind of like a ladder dropping down from the sky, stage left, that we can grab seemingly out of thin air. And it is so mundane, so accessible, as simple as a digital clock or a calendar. That's how close the next level is.


The interpretation of Hexagram 1 Ch'ien is very much in alignment with the 11-11: "Ch'ien is pure yang energy with a lack of yin influence. Being pure yang it indicates a time when you are in a good position to achieve your objectives (whatever they may be). Now is the time to make those plans and get ready to put them into action. Although Ch'ien is an auspicious hexagram, for your plans to have a lasting effect and value your motives need to be virtuous. Be compassionate when you move forward. http://bit.ly/uxZLff" The call to action which must be infused with integrity and compassion, with your eyes lifted up to a higher level and your feet not far behind.



Cosmic Alarm Clock



11:11 Digital ClockSpeaking of digital clocks, and even more mysteriously, the 11:11 is a kind of "cosmic alarm clock".


"11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality. When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible.


When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger. It's time to pierce the veils of illusion that keep us bound to an unreal world. A transfer is in position. The 11.11 has rested, dormant within us, combined with sealed orders which would only open when the 11.11 was fully activated. It has been gently sleeping, waiting the moment of triggering." - Uri Geller


I feel that the simple statement "It's 11:11 and I'm thinking of you!" is the purest expression of this number sequence. When you see the 11:11 on a clock, think of someone you love, smile, feel gratitude in your heart, say a prayer, make a wish and send it through the gateway. If nothing else, point it out to someone standing next to you. An 11:11 sighting is a magical moment of synchronization.


In addition, don't forget to keep in mind the RESPONSIBILITY of the 11. Doreen Virtue writes, "Be sure to monitor your thoughts carefully, and to only think about what you want, not what you don't want. A gate of opportunity is opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 11:11 is like the bright light of a flashbulb. It means that the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form."



Make a Wish



Make a WishMany are aware of the concept of making a wish when they see the 11-11. It is a moment of believing that anything is possible. It seems to contain within it unlimited potential for positive things. How sweet that the word Eleven is also very similar to the word Elven, as in the Elven kingdom - the world of the magical mythical elves! Maybe they are real after all? Maybe they come jumping through the 11:11 when it occurs, showering us with a pot of gold! :)


In the final analysis I believe that the magic of 11-11-11 is simply due to the fact that it makes us NOTICE. It captures consciousness and in a joyful way. It makes us smile, it makes us feel special, it reminds us to pray and to believe that wishes can come true. And, beautifully, it is an excuse to celebrate our relation to each other - our Oneness, the Unity of people everywhere, and our common connection to Spirit - as we turn to the person next to us and say, "hey it's 11:11!" The 11-11-11 taps a childlike magic within us, a feeling that makes life a little brighter and our hearts a little lighter during a challenging time on earth. Do you believe in magic? Make a wish!









For the past 25 years, Solara, a modern-day mystic, (http://www.nvisible.com/) has created celebrations centering on calendar dates related to the number 11. Beginning on January 11, 1992 (1-11-92) - which is when she states that the first 11 'gate' opened - she has been orchestrating these events, leading up to the final gates in 2011 and 2012. Interestingly, for the quintessential gateway of 11-11-11, Solara is proposing a 'Silent Watcher' meditation rather than any activity: "There will be no 11:11 Gate Activation on 11/11/11 since so many different "11:11" events are scheduled for that day. This would make the energies scattered, rather than focused. Instead, we have received a very strong vision of what we are meant to do on that day. We are to sit as Silent Watchers all over the world on 11/11/11, in groups large and small. The Silent Watchers are vast beings who hold the Worlds within Worlds in balance."


If you are going to celebrate in solitude, consider the four times of 1:11am, 11:11am, 1:11pm and 11:11pm, with emphasis of course on the 11-11 times. It has been recommended that we focus silently during the eleven minutes from 11:00am to 11:11am in particular. If you need a meditation to use on this day, you can try the following by Patricia Cota-Robles: http://www.eraofpeace.org/latest-news.php  

