11:11~First Contact ~A Global Visual Affect meditation from White Cloud.

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~11:11~First Contact ~A Global Visual Affect meditation from White Cloud.~



Audio version


A Global Visual Affect meditation from White Cloud.

A very warm welcome to each one of you that comes across these words to assist you in the visualising that of which you have been asked, should you choose , by those who are known to you as The Federation of Light.

Dearest Friends, it is for one to know that one’s desires can only come about if they are felt from deep within the soul self .It is of not much use if one desires only from their minds. For if that desire from the mind is not connected from the heart place then it simply cannot come to be.

So it is my friends that together we take three of your deep breaths … bringing into you the Light that is of the purest Love. And as you breathe it inside of yourself, allow it to circulate and allow yourself to feel this Light that you are.

(3 breaths are taken)

And I ask as I continue with my words that in a gentle fashion that is comfortable for each individual you continue to breathe so.

And now my friends I ask, that with your heart connected to your minds eye, you visualise yourself in a place outside that you personally find to be a place of peace and beauty. Allow your senses to become alive. If there are seas, then smell the water. If there are flowers then smell their scent. Be in that place inside of your minds.

Feel the peace that is surrounding you and that is within you. And I ask you perhaps as you sit or you lay down to cast your eyes into the skies.

With your heart my friends, welcome those who do not reside upon your planet.

Those that you know in the name of The Federation Of Light … welcome them with all the Love that you Truly are.

Let them know by the vibration that your heart is sending out to them, that you as an earthly resident at this time are now ready to receive them … as brothers and sisters of Light.

As you send this vibration of Love into your skies, visualise vivid colours of the rainbow covering the blue of the sky.

Allow your being to become Lighter as you look upon these colours that carry with them their own energy. And then it is that from your heart place to visualise a ball of Light colours that compliment those in your skies.

Allow this ball to remain attached to your heart center. Yet visualise it growing in size and depth of colour. Watch this energy. Feel this energy my friends as it grows and grows. Become this energy. As you feel it, watch as the colours from the skies come down to merge with the colours of the ball of energy that is coming from your heart place.

Feel all the while dearest souls of earth, the Love that is you … The Love that is coming from other realms … and allow yourself to become One with the All.

Take a few more deep breathes and from the physical part of yourself feel the reality of what you are about to visualise.

Know it as a reality my friends, for in that way it shall be so.

Look up … see the colours swirl and merge and then softly, gently, they divide revealing to you a sky full of colours that you have not yet seen in your human form.

And as you look upon this with your hearts the feeling of Love my friends is one beyond all your imaginings so far.

Allow yourself to lift your vibration as you connect with these Lights that are Love in a purer form than you have experienced.

Allow the Love that these coloured Lights are to literally fill your being.

Lift yourselves up my friends in Knowledge of the Truth within side of you. Allow this feeling to remain as you send Love to the Lights and the Lights send Love to you.

And KNOW that the smiles upon your faces are recognised by those who reside within those coloured Lights.
My friends, your world can be the world that your hearts dream about. It is up to each one of you to make this so.
Be LOVE. For that in Truth is who you are. And as the days ahead reveal to you Truths that your hearts recognise … allow the Light that you are to blend with the Light of another… each other … to bring you forth into the New World that is necessary. So that you may once again know of an earth that is how it was designed to be.
We give thanks to the Divine oneness for allowing these words to come forth. We ask always that we may remain humble in order to serve and to receive and they we may continue to walk boldly as the Light and the Love.

Adieu my friends … Adieu.

Love Light Laughter & Golden Rays .
Bloss and White Cloud.


