11~22~11~Cooling Down in the Heat of Uncertainty~

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~Cooling Down in the Heat of Uncertainty~



Posted by Galactic Love Reporter Steve Beckow

Wishful thinking, Nov. 2011

I’m not sure if the same thing is happening for you, but I need to describe what’s happening for me. And, in describing this, I’m just guessing. I’m not sure if there’s any way of knowing other than hearing it from a superconscious galactic source or from someone like AAM.

We’ve just heard two pieces of news that are not unexpected but nevertheless unsettling. The first is that the economies of Germany and France are now implicated in the financial uncertainty that has hit Europe.

That may shock and cause dread among those Europeans who don’t know what is coming down the pike; namely, the fall of the existing economy and the arrival of NESARA. But we know what’s occurring so it won’t be as much of a surprise to us.

The second is that the supercommittee failed to arrive at an agreement on debt reduction. Some analysts have said that this means that the politicians are kicking the can down the road. Others say that Democrats and Republicans are locked in a pre-election year struggle. Still others say that it shows that all politicians are corrupt. Again we’ve listened to the galactics and ascended masters say that corruption is prevalent so the latter charge may come as no surprise either.

The Occupy movement is drawing large numbers of people to protest and it shows no signs of flagging. Given the messages we listen to that also should come as no surprise to us. It is undoubtedly fated to grow further still and in the end succeed in toppling the bastion of the 1%, bringing an end to plutocracy – the rule of the rich.

Egypt is revolting against a military lock on government. Russia has steered a ship into Syrian waters which may shore al-Assad up for a slightly longer spell. The nations are discussing economic measures against Iran following the report of the U.N. nuclear watchdog committee. On and on we could go listing trouble spots in the world.

But what I’m finding in myself is that an extra factor in my own existence is imbibing, by a mechanism I cannot describe,  the incredible tension, fear, etc., that is happening in the world. As the world’s temperature goes up, my own temperature goes up. As the cacophony increases, it increases for me. I don’t know if the same is happening for you.

I know all this is headed towards a collapse of old structures and the rise of new structures. So I’m not imbibing fear or anxiety. Instead it surfaces as a feeling of overwhelm, of drowning, of not being able to catch my breath.

Quite a while ago, AA Michael said “because you work with such a broad expanse of the collective you are also feeling the collective. You have done that hook-up.” (1) At the time I didn’t know what he meant. But I now get a sense of it.

When one watches the entire scene, so to speak, not in detail necessarily, but open to its larger movements, one imbibes the collective tension. And of course many, many more of us now are open to it, given that we’ve awakened to what’s happening in the world, so I’m probably not alone in this.

But since I’m captain of the Good Ship Steve Beckow, just as you’re captain of your own ship, I need to take some compensating action, just as you may have to as well.

For the period of time in which there is extreme chaos in the world, I’m going to seek by every means to lower my activity pattern. I’m going to spend more time meditating and less time writing.

And how that translates is that, for right now, I won’t be writing any more well-researched, interpretive articles. What you see on the site is what we’ll have to go with, more or less, for now.  I’m just going to write as I see it.

I also won’t be keeping First Contact up to date any longer – not till we’re on the other side of this crescendo of chaos that we’re in at the moment, not until the world situation starts becoming less chaotic rather than more chaotic.

Now that has a downside. It means I have to let go of being able to be as certain of matters as I have been, given that I’ve been interpreting how the Company of Light sees things. It introduces a more tentative note into my writing.

But it’s purely a defensive move. If I try to act as if there isn’t something happening in the world, while continuing to observe what’s happening, I’ll imbibe a level of stress that could knock me off my feet. Then I’m no good to anyone. Same for you perhaps.

I have to make another change as well. Up till now, I’ve been answering pretty well every e-mail. But I’m now going to need to become more selective. If you’ll forgive me, I won’t be answering emails on article suggestions that I don’t go with. It’s not that I wish to go that route, but that I have to, given the volume. And the volume will only increase so this may not be the last scaling-back I have to do.

I also won’t be printing any more sensational news. So the people who send me headers in all caps, screaming at me to take a look, no, it’s wisest now to calm down, everyone, and keep calming down. Calming down will distinctly go against the current at the moment. It may seem counter-intuitive but – and of this I’m certain – it’s very, very desirable.

I also won’t answer emails that engage me in conversation any longer. That too puts me over the top, considering how much is going on now and will be happening very soon. I also ask people to refrain from sending emails that simply boil down to “thank you” or “I understand.” Let’s take that for granted for the moment to reduce the volume.

I repeat my earlier request not to send me email asking me to “include” you in the bridge program. I have no connection to the program. I only know what I hear about it. I cannot assist anyone and I cannot permit myself to be used as a conduit or I’ll again go under from the volume of mail, even if the email is me simply saying over and over again “I cannot assist you in the matter.” I won’t be responding to email on the bridge program. All I can do is tell you what I hear.

So a lot more people are going to find that I’m not responding to you and it breaks my heart to do that, but it’s become necessary. We’ve had a long spell of connectedness and now we may need to have a short spell of concentration and load-shedding.

The news will continue to multiply, but I don’t intend to multiply our coverage if at all possible. I do intend to continue to post mostly overviews or broad coverage. I intend to wait out this period of heightened intensity, seeking more calm and peace inward than following all the sensational news that’s happening in the world.

I’d imagine we’ve entered the period which will directly lead to the final collapse. I can’t imagine how much further things can go or need to go. Not like I know this for a certainty, but I imagine when the retailers who’ve been holding out for Christmas realize a drop-off in sales, many businesses will shut their doors, some of them perhaps very large businesses. Some time after that will come NESARA – as far as I know.

We know where we’re going. We know this interval of extreme chaos is occurring and why it is. We know it was predicted from a long time ago and the Company of Light has warned us about it and told us we need to hunker down. We know what lies on the other side of it. And that affords a modicum of manoeuvring room and a little comfort in the midst of the storm.


(1) Reading with AA Michael, Aug. 1, 2011, at http://stevebeckow.com/world-disclosure-day/what-role-are-the-angels-playing/reading-with-archangel-michael-august-1-2011/
