This is the first time that I AM openly inscribing my dream from last night... Most of my writings are fairytales for adults and childlike adults....
Where I feel that true children need not to read any of these Ascension preparation writings for our four bodies... Not because children would not comprehend what author wants to say, but because they [the children...] have all this and more still very clear and crystal known to their soul... Where children are fully connected with their soul or higher self for all the time...
All these fairytales came to me during my conversations with Mother God and Father God or with AA Michael and Lady Faith, or with my beloved or with Master Kuthumi... While some poems and titles came in the dream state, and if I was strong enough to standup and write it than I had chance to remember what author wanted to say... Here I refer to my Higher Self...
Some of dictations left only beautiful feeling of awareness and acceptance of what is to come... Some has left only title... Yet some left my eyes filled with tears, which continued to scroll on my beard for next half hour... Some kept me fully awake with big grin on my face, not really knowing why...
This One from last night was quite unique, yet very vivid as location, as taste, as smell... This one I remembered only in the morning that I was present at the one of most important gatherings [or at least felt very important...]...
And it was happening in one of the lead StarShips of Galactic Federation... In most beautiful conference room that looks like a tall airport hall, yet very nicely decorated, mostly with colors and large transparent walls that look like different types of nature...
Ceiling was transparent giving us full view of earth and all accompanying planets of our Solar system... and we were viewing Earth from direction of Sun... This was quite something to realize: "So this is how Sun sees us every day and night... [as of course there is no night when you staying in front of Sun, and you are not rotating... this was another 'logical' thought came through my mind up there...]
All my senses were so overwhelmed with brilliant colors, sensual smells, smiley touches and especially sweet vanilla tastes... This was moment where my remembrance of this event gets stuck... I had knowing there is so much more, yet all was still very fogy and almost Heavenly unexplainable...
Until I had my daily conversation with Mother God~Father God later in the afternoon... As They are -8 hours difference from me here in Greece...
Since first word that we exchanged, my dream event become fully visible... Almost that someone open fully door of Heaven, and I stop seeing these events through keyhole filled with smoke...
Doors have been open and this is inscription of my message exchanges with Them:
"Good morning dear Mother God, Father God... How was your sleeping last night? I had so many dreams, some big conference meeting filled with so many light beings... and you Two are there... SS and Gaia too... [I felt it was Mother Earth and our doggy in One, together... was quite different and hard to describe...]...
Feelings I woke up with was following: We agreed that events will be so compressed within one week earth time...
First or simultaneously will be announcements on radio/tv, with Earth poles shift [accompanied with massive shaking and cleansing destruction, yet being informed by Galactic's in advance per regions where it will be massively hit through Public announcements]...
This will follow with kind word and healing energies from Galactic's about coming global financial changes, gov. changes where new will arouse from the ashes of this purifing destruction...
People will be much more receptable to hear what Galactic's and Awaken ones are saying, realizing that they are not here to conquer, but quite opposite...
Obama will announce full acceptance of GFL and then asking people to accept his resignation, as he was not able to be true him for last 2 years... People will forgive him on the spot, asking him to remain in iterm...
This will raise lot of compassionate energies... Lot of Masters will ascend, some individually and some in groups, as beautiful example to rest of Humanity...
Where some of main and brave ones, will come back to earth to help rest of Humanity through example of immortal living fully available for full humanity...
There is more, yet quite not fully audible... meaning I have no idea how to put these in words...
Something about You two and your crucial appearance in front of all Humanity, something with churches and religions being completely in disarray, at first not accepting that is possible that God is walking among us, mare Humans, and later giving You all their hidden and stolen wealth for distribution to people, displaying their true rendition of Faith and recognition of God's love... Not fake god they invented through millennia, for very different reasons...
Yet more about me and beloved... We are example of balanced Masculine/Feminine energies within us and between us.... this was kind of strange, where at this moment I write this as we are still far from it... hihi...
Ascended Masters with Galactic's first communication representatives will be on tv constantly, including You two... Letting people know that we are their first contact with Galactic civilizations... that we are [You two, Steve B, Sheldan N, Mike H, Michelle and Barack O, AA Michael, Stankov, Mike Q, Ron, Keith O, Master Kuthumi, SS, me... and more, many more couples and individual Masters incarnated here on Earth this time...]...
Than Aghartans the Blue Giants [at least this is how I sow them...] will be part of this tv announcements... Organizing mass evacuations of endangered regions just before it's happen...
And this one was quite interesting, seeing glimpses of future events, and feeling people who are lot letting go of their material possessions, doubting in kind words of our Galactic friends...
Seeing that most remembering of all the movie scripts about abductions, attacks, aliens conquests.... Realizing [for most of humanity...] that all has been staged, that we have been brainwashed by dark forces for such long periods of time...
Seeing tremendous separation within ones family where one decides for her self to leave their house area, yet spouse stays to save house from 'thief’s'...
Seeing tremendous kindness, generosity and compassion between people, helping each other with all they have, with place to stay, sharing last piece of bread with each others...
Seeing greed being transformed in to generosity, where gas stations giving free gasoline for every car passing toward higher grounds, where food stores giving away...
Seeing people recognizing their present life as most important part of their spiritual puzzle, knowing deep down that only through Love and Compassion humanity will grow toward spiritual existence of One... and far away from this materialistic survival...
Seeing doubts disappearing and being transmuted in to Faith, pure and true Faith that all is perfect... That all is happening for very good reason... That every relation we had simply is part of this grandiose Divine Plan...
Seeing that there are no mistakes in choices... There is no wrong choice... Seeing that we are going to experience only what we ask for... Only what we dream about... Seeing that we are now on the edge of New Golden Age, where All is possible, where all is probable, where all is perfect...
Yet we will start seeing our 'dead' family all around us, who will encourage us to deal with what is coming with pure love and acceptance... People will fully acknowledge that death is not real...
Goes on and on... And Gaia will rise for our own pleasure televised by Galactic's from their ships full continent of Atlantis.... in front of our eyes...
Tell me how much I am off with this, and how come that I start to remembering these meetings, and tell me please, that this is not only my vast imagination only?... Love you, P"
So, this was it... And within couple of minutes Father~Mother God answering with joyful voice of Love:
LOVE YOU....."
So it is... My first almost fully remembered dream comes true... This is all we as humans have to do: remember our dreams, wrap them in love and compassion, and suddenly we are this Dream... We be-come this light being from the Dream...
Dreams are limitless, boundless, and so vast that we do not have to worry ever again that will not come True... As Eagles sang: Love will keeps US alive...
Remember, we are transitioning from illusion into Heavenly Dream that we dreamed millions of years ago... And Now you are fully Awaken into Dream...
Sweet Dreams beloved Family of Light...
I AM THAT I AM Predrag
Hello Predrag:-)
So what youre sayin is that all this you have dreamt about is going to happen like...very soon? Or what did you mean by saying that you and mother agreed that next week may be very interesting?
Thank you:-)
Fully awakened in dream
I love this so much!!! Thank you Father/Mother God, and Predrag, so very much for this wonderful good news... My heart and soul are singing.. I AM so very thankful to be blessed so wholeheartedly.... Thank you for your love. I love you!!!
It seems each day this week
It seems each day this week I've become so very excited about some piece of news or glimpse of our very near future. Just when I think I'm as excited as I can be... another day dawns bringing even more joy and Love. Living in the moment is such a beautiful place to be. Right before my very eyes, dreams come true~
I was so excited to read Predrag's post, I forgot to log in LOL!
Joy Joy Joy :) And Love to ALL
As it should be!!! LOL...And
As it should be!!! LOL...And it keeps getting better and better!! LOVE is in the air and our hearts... Dreams ARE coming true!! We're going to see some amazing things...I can hardly wait!