When the moment of disappearing arrives, the next level of contact with all that is completes. There will be no differences in the way things appear, no change in consciousness needed, and no discord in any attitude of the talk within. Only love will be in the cells, and no matter what occurs to the body, nothing can create disturbance. This is the fully awakened condition.
When the disappearance does occur, nothing that it creates will make a difference to the one disappearing. Only the anchoring of light the body energizes will make it apparent that anything has happened. Each ascended master is going to activate an area of at least one hundred meters in diameter. When this free gift arrives, will anyone change? Yes, as nothing of this nature can be dismissed. It will be like an atom bomb was disbursed, but this destruction will only annihilate negativity. This will be a love bomb, negating neediness and greed as a consequence.
Free the mind of all of its disturbances. Question your attitudes against any drama in your master's training and delete what ha caused you any contractions. Beliefs are not needed. Being NEUTRAL allows you to dance with all.
Nature does not do anything to cause negativity and yet much destruction comes to it. A man's goal to awaken asks to be disturbed so more awareness will continue to evoke the man's ability to wake-up. A new kind of character is happy and dancing to God's rhythm. After actively delivering this gift to mass consciousness, no words will be needed to make a difference. Walls will come down, new attitudes will replace negative ones, and the birth of a different paradigm will dissolve the old one.
Make no assumptions about the ability to ascend. Those who are able will disappear. Not one alone, but many at the same moment. Will those not disappearing know when this occurs? Maybe, maybe not. Being on the disappearing channel is the only obvious way to know.
Allowing God to decide when the disappearance will occur is the ONLY option. No one, including me, can make that call. Welcome to the world of being out of control. No decision can make things go against an ascension contract, only non-agreement. Cause and effect always delivers an effect, whatever the cause is.
Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the happiest of all? Ascension candidates, bless them all.
Ascended Master Saint Germain
For more of Saint Germain's daily messages, visit: http://comptedesaintgermainsblog.blogspot.com
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