Published on Dec 29, 2012
Now this is too funny, to me anyway. I had time to look at so many blogs and postings speaking of 12/21/12 and persons who are disappointed in their personal ascension as they don't feel like anything happened or had a small taste of bliss but then lost that... As I have said soooo many times now, GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD! Your'e playing in Ego when you do that and that IS the lower vibrations! To experience the constant bliss of ascension you MUST SHIFT TO YOUR HEART FULL TIME, and use the head to process the illusion you wish to manifest... NOT the other way around. Do Di Do Di Do.... I'm laughing as it is so easy to do, and that makes it so easy to miss for so many persons... Be In Your Heart! Be LOVE!
hehehee. It feels tickly
hehehee. It feels tickly when your chakras spin. At least it does to me. The ones in the legs spin the gigglyish. I believe its connected to the earth. Not sure, need to reread behavior.
Thanks for letting me share.
Love Nageeta