12 Beautiful Truths About You and the World

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truths about you

Understanding these beautiful truths about you and the world can transform your life.

1. Your purpose in life is to be you

In every way possible. Eat the foods you like, dance to your favourite tunes, read your favorite books, make your jokes, laugh your laugh, smile your smile.

2. All the answers are within

We have been taught to look outward for the answers to our problems. But the truth is, your soul knows what to do. Trust that you have everything you’ll ever need inside of you right in this moment.

3. Words are powerful

The word love produces an energy which ripples out into the world, as do the words “I can’t do this, I’m hopeless, I’m not beautiful, I’m not good enough.” Watch your words – they can cement your current reality or spark big changes.

4. You are a prisoner of your beliefs

Realise that you see the world through the lens of your dominant beliefs. And realise you can change your dominant beliefs, thereby changing the world you see.

5. You have a unique gift to bring to the world

You are a once-in-a-humankind blend of passions, desires, talents, quirks and magic. If you don’t give your gifts to the world, no one else can, and the world will be a poorer place.
